Megyn Kelly didn't see that coming.
The New Liberalism: Their Hurt Feelings Trump Your Constitutional Rights
Ouch!! Rand Paul slammed Governor Chris Christie tonight for his positions on NSA spying. Rand Paul: “I want to collect ...
As the first Republican debate nears closer this evening, I am dismayed by the soundbites coming from the press as the sniping between the candidates increases.
If Republicans think they can run another campaign like those they ran in 2008 and 2012, they are perilously mistaken.
The White House press secretary suggested that the commander in chief is being misunderstood by his critics.
By Theodore Shoebat The Russian government is telling the Obama administration to stop supporting Islamic “rebels” (who are really terrorists), because it will further destabilize the region. According to the report: Kremlin denounced Monday the U.S. attempts to provide air cover for Syrian rebels, indicating it will ultimately destabilize the country’s situation. “We have repeatedly …
The women were being held in the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, Iraq, and refused to take part in the perversely-named practice of 'sexual jihad', according to a Kurdish official stationed in the same city (file photo).
The fact that jurors can let the guilty go free intended to protect us from unjust laws.
Tennessee's Army and Air National Guard announced Thursday that that members with valid Tennessee State Handgun Carry Permits will be allowe…
Hillary Clinton urged people to fight "efforts to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, and poor people, and young people"
A lesbian couple faked a hate crime that left their home a pile of charred rubble at their Venore, Tenn., property in 2010, reports said.
Can we simultaneously love our children but betray their generation and generations yet born? Thats the question on page 1 of Mark R. Levins new masterwork Plunder And Deceit: Big Governments Exploitation Of Young People And The Future, and it is answered throughout the book.
The reserved former Florida governor will need to show he has the stomach for a fight
Obama: Voting Fraud Not a 'Real Problem,' Nobody Votes Using Somebody Else's Name
In a rare acknowledgment of media responsibility, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer declared that it was up to the press to properly cover the first Republican presidential debate: “...that idea of substance versus sizzle, one-liners versus issues. That's on us tomorrow as well. We’ve got to make sure that we cover what they talk about, the issues as opposed to those one-liners.”
The point of this video is NOT to convince you to be pro-life or pro-choice. The point is to ask a simple question: do the folks at Planned Parenthood deserv...
Watch @Swoonmeander's live video channel, chat together, and follow to find out when they go live.
In an appearance on MSNBC's Hardball Wednesday evening former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) praised Donald Trump, saying he has a little bit of Reagan in him. "First of all, he's not a Roman candle." Giuliani told host Chris Matthews. "This is a very smart guy. This is a person who is media savvy in ways that some of the other candidates aren't. And he's a lot more substantive than you realize. I've know Donald 25 years. Meaning, he understands a lot of the world issues with a lot more depth than you probably realize." "So we might have a little of a Ronald Reagan here, a guy they underestimate," Giuliani observed. "And in my particular case, I'm personal friends with five or six of them. And I have a hard time deciding who I'd like to see be president and I'm probably going to take a little while. But I expect Donald Trump is going to do pretty darn well tomorrow night."
Watch @Swoonmeander's live video channel, chat together, and follow to find out when they go live.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker won a surprising nod in an informal straw poll of major conservative donors gathered by the Koch brothers’ operation last weekend in Orange County, California, according to sources familiar with the gathering. In a closed-door session that included about 100 donors, Republican pollster Frank Luntz asked donors to clap...
Today is the first republican presidential debate and I gotta say these three men (Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and Scott Walker) are probably the most interesti...
Why aren't homeless charities doing more to address the fact that the majority of homeless people are men, and that they need more support and protection than women, asks Glen Poole
The first debate of the election season kicked off at 5:00 PM in Cleveland. The first of two debates included ...