
Jeh Johnson: It's 'Critical' We Don’t Call ISIS 'Islamic Extremism'


There's this great scene in The Godfather where Sonny explains to Michael that to take out an enemy youve got to get up close and bada-BING! blow his brains all over his nice Ivy League suit.


The Honduran woman and her 11-year-old son were just preparing to leave the detention center in remote Karnes City, Texas, and rejoin family in Chicago, when officials sprang a surprise on her.


En su primera entrevista para una red televisiva en español desde que lanzó su campaña por la candidatura presidencial republicana, Jeb Bush respondió preguntas sobre diversos temas, desde el próximo debate presidencial hasta Donald Trump, de la política exterior de Estados Unidos hacia América Latina hasta su música favorita, y si alguna vez experimentó la discriminación.


Toxic white masculinity, and the right-wing politics which nurture and protect it, are hurting millions every year


A massive influx of Muslim immigration may mean that more than half a million girls in the U.S. are in danger of female genital mutilation.


(Reuters) - Bombs went off outside two churches...


Yoho said that Boehner spends too much time retaliating against conservatives and has let Obama basically get whatever he wants.


A top Cuban official told Yahoo News that his government has no intention of turning over Joanne Chesimard, who is on the list of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives for the 1973 murder of a New Jersey police officer. Convicted in 1977, Chesimard — a onetime member of the radical Black Liberation Army — escaped from prison two years later and fled to Cuba, where she is officially protected by the Cuban government.


Former SC Democratic party chair Dick Harpootlian told MSNBC's Steve Kornacki Sunday Vice President Joe Biden's consideration of a presidential run actually gives Democrats the best chance of retainin


DANA POINT, Calif. (AP) — Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch warned America


Three U-Va. graduates allege that the Rolling Stone article, now discredited, made it possible for people to think that they were the purported attackers in a gang rape.


Despite what you may have read elsewhere ? or heard from the man himself ? Donald Trump is not all that popular with Republican voters. Sure, he’s in first place in many polls. But Trump is near ?


Yes That Black Panther Party Historical Marker in North Carolina MUST Come Down


Senator Rand Paul sat down with CNN Jake Tapper to talk about his continued fight against Planned Parenthood. "I support any legislation that will defund Pla...


Reacting to the news that Jon Stewart and President Obama had secret meetings at the White House, media critic David Zurawik argued that the Daily Show host has become a “tool really of the Obama administration.”


On Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC reporter Mary Bruce went to bat for Vice President Joe Biden as he contemplates a potential White House run in 2016.


There is a piece that is making the rounds on the liberal side of the Internet today that concerns the Planned Parenthood videos. I am not going to link the piece here because I view it as either a transparent attempt to curry head pats from liberals and/or the media, or a dangerously naive missive that is tremendously damaging to the pro-life cause. Either way, | Read More »


The corrosive effects of “political correctness” in modern American society are unlikely to divide “traditionalists” from “accommodationists” among the ranks, but they are all but certain to widen the gap between soldiers and statesmen.


Bill Clinton’s mistress “Energizer” is emblematic of the security concerns presented by such a lax personality living in the White House.


When former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee raised the specter of the Holocaust in his evaluation of President Obama’s Iran deal, he touched a raw nerve because Huckabee got it right: The Holocaust taught us that evil is not satiated after it consumes Jews. A deal that is catastrophic for Israel is also catastrophic for the United States.


Modern day tree-humpers and bunny-lovers would like for you to believe that hunting is the greatest evil known to mankind, but that just simply isn't true when you look at conservation.


A former national security adviser to President Bill Clinton wrote an email to Hillary Clinton in 2009 advising the then-secretary of state how to deal with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he continued to "be the obstacle" in negotiations with Palestinians. The email from Samuel Berger advised...


Some hope to rein in federal power and spending through a mechanism provided for in the U.S. Constitution, but never used in more than 225 years.


Chris Christie, John Kasich and Rick Perry are fighting for the last two spots on the debate stage — and after a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll Sunday morning, Perry is still most in danger of failing to qualify.The three candidates are all at 3 percent in the new poll. But according to a Campaign Pro analysis of the five most recent live-caller...