King V. Burwell opponents said killing subsidies would blow up Obamacare--now in California they want to open up unsubsidized care to illegal Californians. State Senator Richard Lara has already moved a bill through the California State Senate that would allow illegal immigrants to buy unsubsidized health insurance in the state’s Obamacare [...]
Dangerous and short-sighted U.S. diplomacy has empowered no one except state sponsors of terrorism and fascistic regimes.
Even after all polling conducted after the McCain comments Trump is still #1 in national polls. From left-wing Public Policy Polling: Trump gets 19% to 17% for Scott Walker, 12% for Jeb Bush, 10% f...
As the founder of America's largest abortion chain, Margaret Sanger's ideology for Planned Parenthood was cemented in eugenics, the belief and practice that aims to eliminate certain groups of people.
Ann Coulter argues that immigration is the greatest issue facing the United States today. She contends that America's immigration policy is deeply flawed and...
People "may" exclude those phrases for due to religious beliefs or conscientious objection.
If you like playing medieval-themed video games, you might not be just some harmless nerd -- you might be a nerd who is also kind of a white supremacist.
Transgender Inside Edition reporter Zoey Tur tripled down Tuesday on threats he made against Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro.
Politicians are using a dishonest video to promote their own anti-abortion agenda.
In The Wall Street Journal, Hillel Fradkin and Lewis Libby write that Iran can easily stretch out the AEIA inspection of suspect nuclear sites for three months or more.
White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice admitted the existence of two secret "side deals" between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to accompany the main Iran nuclear deal agreed last week between Iran and the P5+1 powers (U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China).
The Obama administration has sent the Iran nuclear deal to Congress for a 60-day review provided by the Corker bill. However, President Barack Obama has pre-empted Congress by going to the UN Security Council first, which has already voted to end international sanctions and accept the deal. Furthermore, even if Congress rejects the deal, it will struggle to muster a two-thirds majority to override the president's veto. There is one effective way, however, that the Iran deal can be rejected: states and local governments can refuse to comply with it.
On Tuesday, Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump doxxed fellow candidate and Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham. After Graham called Trump a
Carson brought up the divide in America. Carson told the group of religious and community leaders that America needs a knowledgeable electorate
Trump said the negotiators for Obama didn’t read his book, “The Art of the Deal,” which walks readers through how to effectively negotiate.
Greece's new bail-out deal imposes a stiff dose of budget rigor and market deregulation which critics say few leaders of Western Europe's biggest nations have dared serve their own
Kirsten Powers writes at USA Today that the undercover videos on Planned Parenthood's fetal organ harvesting are "stomach-turning."
Mark Cuban on Trump's Appeal: 'It Is Nice to Have an Honest, Insensitive Response to a Question'
Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and move them off public assistance.
Mike Huckabee says the government should get a warrant before it snoops on email and phone calls or collects call data.
The Wisconsin governor positions himself as the exact opposite of Rand Paul—and privacy advocates in both parties.