"Our stories are all a little different, but we share the same pain."

Donotlink redirect to www.cnn.com

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Redirecting to www.cnn.com without improving their search engine position.
With murder rising, the homeless population mushrooming and the quality of life taking a beating, New Yorkers wanting help will need plenty of luck getting Bill de Blasio’s attention. They might al...
Kevin Williamson of National Review Online attacks the conservative base of the Republican Party in his latest column, "WHINOS: On the Martyrdom of the Holy, Holy Base."
But you know Obama and the Democrats will keep on spending anyway:Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II.To simply contain the debt at the high historical level where it currently sits—74 percent of GDP--would require either significant increases in federal tax revenue or decreases in non-interest federal spending (or a combination of the two). Historically, U.S. government debt held by the public, measured as a percentage of GDP, hit its peak in 1945 and 1946, when it was 104 percent and 106 percent of GDP respectively.In 2015, the CBO estimates that the U.S. government debt held by the public will be 74 percent of GDP. That is higher than the 69-percent-of-GDP debt the U.S. government had in 1943—the second year after Pearl Harbor.The difference between then and now, of course, is that back then the U.S. had fought and won a two-front war against National Socialist Germany and the Empire of Japan. Today, we are fighting ourselves:While the run up in debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP in the 1940s financed a global war against Nazi Germany and Japan that ended with an allied victory, the current run toward unprecedented debt is based on projected increases in mandatory federal spending for entitlement programs. These include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare subsidies. “Mainly because of the aging of the population and rising health care costs, the extended baseline projections show revenues that fall well short of spending over the long term, producing a substantial imbalance in the federal budget,” Hall said in his written testimony.That's putting it mildly.
The WHINO is a captive of the populist Right’s master narrative, which is the tragic tale of the holy, holy base, the victory of which would be entirely assured if not for the machinations of the perfidious Establishment. Never mind the Democrats, economic realities, Putin, ISIS, the geographical facts of the U.S.-Mexico border -- all would be well and all manner of things would be well if not for the behind-the-scenes plotting of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and their enablers. The WHINO is a Republican conspiracy theorist, in whose fervid imaginings all the players -- victims, villains -- are Republicans.
An outraged flea market shopper in Connecticut called the police after spotting Confederate and Nazi memorabilia at a local flea ...
At this moment -- 10:37 a.m. EST -- the House is considering the Brat Amendment to H.R. 6, a bill which would fund the National Institute of Health and the Federal Drug Administration and has one of those precious titles implying that big government can indeed -- and in this case, literally -- fix what ails you: the '21st Century Cures Act.'Most media reported Dave Brat's election as primarily being due to his stance on immigration. Yet while on the stump in Virginia's 7th, Brat said that citizens actually responded most fervently to his promise to lead a full frontal assault on the national debt.Brat was a full professor of Economics at Randolph-Macon -- he mentions Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan's point man on the economy, as his greatest influence.For a body that deliberates over the greatest collection of wealth in human history, you would expect a few more economists would fill its roster. But shockingly -- or not at all, Washington being Washington -- Dave Brat is the only Economics Ph.D. in either the House or Senate, let alone the only Econ professor. (Brat was as surprised as I was to discover that, prior to his election. I had been researching something else, came across that fact, and asked if he was aware no one had been elected with an Econ Ph.D. since Phil Gramm. It's just Brat now, yet Paul Ryan continues in his role as the supposed premier GOP voice on budgetary issues.)Brat's amendment has nothing to do with the bill's intent -- only with the bill being proffered with Washington's favorite funding method, 'autopilot,' wherein your tax money is spent automatically without future Congressional review or public notice. In practice, this surmounts to Taxation without Representation, as 'autopilot' is not an entity Constitutionally qualified to hold office nor even an experimental Facebook gender identification option.Brat gave the following speech (click to the next page) this morning. You'll notice that it differs from the typical Floor speech in that it makes sense to adults who manage budgets, and that it treats Virginia's 7th like citizens, not as Pinterest 'likes'...I rise to support my amendment against the creation of a new mandatory program.Some on the other side have called my amendment a poison pill.I consider that a compliment.A poison pill was reserved for the man who brought human reason to Greece.I similarly would like to bring a bit of reason to bear on the budget process of the United States.We are currently $127 trillion light on mandatory spending at present.This means by 2027, all federal revenues will be spent on only mandatory programs. This is a disaster.My children right now are 13 and 16.By the time they are about 30 we will have zero dollars for running government, because all dollars will be spent on these mandatory programs.We all want cures, and I am for the underlying bill.But in economics, rationality requires that we rank our preferences in order and fund the best programs.This is one of them.There is no issue finding two billion dollars out of a three and a half trillion dollar budget.But currently there is no discipline up here in this city.We just fund everything and hand the bill to the next generation.Every mandatory program starts off with high hopes.But go to the trustee reports on the major mandatory programs today, and you will find that they are all insolvent.By around 2030 as well.So today, you will hear all sorts of fancy terminology about pay-fors and oil reserves and deficits, but don’t be fooled.Our annual deficit spending is $500 billion and on its way to a trillion in a few years.We are off course on every front.We always talk about the children.But at present, we are handing them $18 trillion in debt and another $127 trillion bill in mandatory programs.You want the truth?The children are the only group without a lobbyist up here on Capitol Hill, and that’s why they’re getting trashed.If you want a cure, go to a doctor.But if you want to clean up the U.S. economy, please consult an economist or two.The numbers and the story I have given are not in dispute.The only issue is whether we have the resolve to balance our budgets and leave our children a brighter day.I urge a YES vote on the amendment.Thank you, and I reserve the balance of my time.Of course, Washington being Washington, Brat's amendment was defeated, and every health industry lobbyist savvy enough to file incorporation papers to create entities with authority-tinged names took to Twitter to celebrate, because -- as mentioned above -- in the end, and also in the beginning, they think of you as retweets, not citizens:
WASHINGTON -- Just as Sen. Bernie Sanders' progressive presidential challenge to Hillary Clinton is gaining steam, an old essay of his has surfaced in which he says women fantasize "being raped by ...
OPM's latest data breach affects 21 million Americans.
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson says he's open to a White House ticket with the blunt-speaking Donald Trump as his vice president.
It’s an Obama world. A mob of black youths attacked a woman near the University of Chicago with children in ...

Why Republicans Lose

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Derek Hunter,  When Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien with a felony rap sheet long enough to make him a viable hip-hop star, the world bar
A couple of weeks ago we covered the antics of the rapacious, cash-vacuuming, (near) septuagenarian Hillary Clinton who shook down a Boys and Girls Club for $200,000 to speak at their fundraiser. This cause that fundraiser to be the lowest netting event in the history of the club and she bolted right after speaking so she wouldn't have to deal with The Little People. A | Read More »
Judge Jeanine takes aim at the defenders of sanctuary cities after the death of Kathryn Steinle that has blown up the conversation around illegal immigration. Watch below: She makes some really goo...
Dale Hansen, the Detroit News political blogger who claimed that Christians brought the “War on Christianity” on themselves, is back with more vitriol at “Christian pervasion” in American society. His new article for the Huffington Post is titled "Fox News Doesn't Understand Religious Freedom." Hansen railed against Fox News and charged the “conservative fear machine has been cranked up to DEFCON 5,” following the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Real estate magnate and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has skyrocketed to Republican frontrunner status, as a new poll from Reuters/Ipsos has Trump tied for first place with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. The rest of the pack is far behind them all.
European State of Denial as "Pro-Palestinian" rioters, Islamist terrorists, and BDS street thugs are driving Jews out.
Pat Buchanan said Trump is "riding" the "tremendous" issue of immigration and making "other Republicans look like they’re real wimps"
Gays, they are such nice and tolerant people. Remember, hate the sin, not the person chucking their turds at you.
The family of an L.A. high school football star who was killed by an undocumented immigrant expressed support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's controversial views on Mexican imm...
"We'll take our country back": 15,000 PLUS gathered in Phoenix, AZ to hear GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump speak today. Full Speech: Donald Trump Bri...
The silence from the White House is deafening.
More than two dozen Democrats have come together and proposed a bill to