Scott Walker has just come out with an exciting new video reminding people of both his fight with the left and his subsequent reforms in Wisconsin, in a powerful lead up to his presidential announc...
Lately I've shared my lament that in America today we are witnessing a surreal transformation of the greatest nation in history. Last week, a spate of headlines made this point better than I could make it on my own.
On Monday, President Obama spoke about his new strategy to take on the terrorist entity Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. In doing so, he explained that the battle against that terrorist group -- a group he had once termed "JV" -- would amount to a "generational struggle." Why would defeating a ragtag army of primitives take generations? Because, Obama explained, "This is not simply a military effort. Ideologies are not defeated by guns. They're defeated with better ideas." To cap off this airsickness bag of gobbledygook, Obama then concluded, "We will never be at war with Islam."
Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once stated, The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. The fallacy of progressive socialists is that they believe such to not be true.
The bill would force banks to separate investment and commercial banking.
A Nobel laureate who supported President Obama in his first presidential campaign now says the Democratic president is “dead wrong” on global warming.
Whitewashes anti-Semitic start of anti-Israel boycott movement
In his latest column hosted at Townhall, author Thomas Sowell railed against the oft-used cliche of "a legacy of slavery" meant to show how America has treated its black citizens throughout history by reminding that it is in fact the liberal policies of the 1960s that have created such social problems in those communities.
In 2013 the Obama administration released 36,007 criminal immigrants who had nearly 88,000 convictions. Those convictions included 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions. In 2014 the administration released another 30,558 criminal immigrants, who had a total of 79,059 convictions.
As Puerto Rico struggles to fend of bankruptcy, many residents have decided it’s time to leave. The island’s population has declined by 400,000 since 2009.
Kenyan leaders are warning President Obama not to bring his “gay agenda” with him when he visits his father’s homeland at the end of this month to open the sixth Global Entrepreneurship Summit.
A computer programming maxim is “Garbage in - garbage out.” (C)omputers, since they operate by logical processes, will unquestioningly process unintended, even nonsensical, input data ("garbage in") and produce undesired, often nonsensical, output ("garbage out”). No one or nothing produces more garbage than government. And their trash has nowhere to go except all over the private sector - us. The federal government alone spends almost | Read More
video in response to George Takei - Via "Young Black And Conservative" "Young Black And Conservative" FaceBook Page - https://www.facebook.com/YoungBlackCons...
District of Columbia residents and tourists weighed in on the controversy surrounding the Confederate flag, some saying the nation should go as far as renaming Washington, D.C.CNN anchor Don Lemon recently floated the idea of re-thinking the Jefferson Memorial, dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, since he was a slave owner.“There may come a day when we want to re-think Jefferson, I don’t know if we should do that, but when we get to that point, I’ll be happy to partake in that particular discussion,” Lemon said.“It should come down,” one D.C. resident told PJ Media, referencing the Jefferson Memorial in Washington.“If we do that, though, George Washington owned slaves. Should we rename Washington, D.C.?” he was asked.“You have to draw the line at some point, I guess, maybe take a poll across the country and see what people think about it and if they want to rename the city, do it,” he said. “I would support changing the American flag as well. America is based on a lot of mass killings and slavery and the history is just – look at the Germans, they own up to the Holocaust, nobody is proud of their history. Americans, at least, you should not be proud of any mass killing. You should not be proud of anything wrong that’s been done in the past or any symbols that represent that and that’s all.”Another man suggested renaming Washington “Black City” or “Mixed City.”“We are all human and we are all the same, no more slavery,” he said. “As a black person, yes, they should rename it… anything that relates to slavery, take it off. It’s only fair.”Some residents disagreed with taking down the Jefferson Memorial or renaming Washington.“That’s not necessary – that’s all a part of history,” one man said.D.C. tourists and residents were also asked if they agreed with a bill recently introduced by Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, which would remove the Confederate flag from license plates across the U.S. if states want their full amount of federal transportation dollars. One tourist told PJ Media the bill was not necessary.“No, I think it’s a part of history. It may not be pretty but it’s a part of history,” she said.Others agreed with the bill.“I feel like it’s a symbol of hate, just like the swastika, and I think that it should probably go. People are so unhappy and offended by it, so let’s just get rid of it,” a resident said.
The "P.C. police" are "out in force" in the furor over Donald Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants, fellow Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says.
The act of sex is not illegal. But if two members of the American Law Institute have their way, it will be — unless you follow their rules.
Law professors Stephen J. Schulhofer and Erin Murphy are trying to update the criminal code when it comes to sex offenses, believing current definitions of rape and sexual assault are antiquated. The focus of their draft is on what constitutes consent. It adopts the yes means yes, or affirmative consent model that was passed in California last year.
The California law applies only to college campuses, however. Schulhofer and Murphy aim to take that definition of consent — which says that before every escalation of a sexual encounter, clear and convincing consent must be given — to the state or federal level. No one actually has sex this way, requesting permission and having it granted perhaps a dozen times in a single encounter.
Those who want to tax churches and religious non-profits seek nothing less than the end of the separation of church and state.
Several recent surveys show the majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that the United States needs to secure its southern border with Mexico.
Bill O’Reilly tonight went to bat for Donald Trump, arguing that he’s been unfairly vilified for raising an important point about crime on the border. As far...
Small businesses that reimburse employees for the cost of premiums for individual health insurance policies or pay their health costs directly will be fined up to $36,500 a year per employee under a new Internal Revenue Service regulation that takes effect July 1, 2015. According to the notice, an employer arrangement [...]
First it was one church. Then a second joined. Now there’s an online presence and a campaign for people of faith across the nation to recognize that God comes first, ahead of nation, and that means the Stars and Stripes will be accorded second place, behind the Christian flag.
According to a report from WBTV in [...]