Chicagoans who pay to stream movies and music from services like Netflix and Spotify will now need to fork over an additional 9 percent for the privilege, as will Chicago businesses that pay to use everything from real estate to court databases online, under a decision the city quietly made recently to expand its taxing power.
Fox News correspondent Judge Andrew Napolitano accused 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of offering material assistance to terrorists overseas, citing as proof her support for arming rebels in Syria and Libya.
A conspiracy existed between the president, and Mrs. Clinton, and congressional leaders from both parties in both Houses, others in the State Department, the Treasury Department and the Justice Department to get arms shipped to rebels in Syria and in Libya, he said Thursday during a roundtable discussion on Fox Business.
He said his conclusion is based on his review of documents from Congress, the State Department and other groups.
Some of those rebels are members of organizations that are on the terror list and providing them with material assistance is a felony, the libertarian legal correspondent added. So the arms dealers applied for and received permission from State and Treasury lawfully to sell arms to the government of Qatar and they lawfully did so.
Reddit AMAs are taking a break after communications director Victoria Taylor is gone.
This followed the sacking of Victoria Taylor, a popular site admin, after a Reddit Q&A with the Rev. Jesse Jackson went badly for the activist preacher.
Donald Trump is finally running for president, and the polls tell us he’s no joke—contrary to what his GOP rivals would like to believe. Last week’s Suffolk University survey has him second in New Hampshire, trailing Jeb Bush 14 to 11 percent. It wasn’t a fluke, as a national Fox News poll taken over roughly the same period also has Trump in second place to Bush, 15 to 11 percent.
Israel's defense minister Moshe Yaalon said 'there was no aid on board' the activist ship. Not necessarily so — but pretty close. We checked. You decide
Introduced State Reps. Justin Olson and Vince Leach, House Bill 2643 was passed by both state Houses in Arizona earlier this year, and signed into law by the...
Earlier this month, LifeNews.com reported on a high school in Seattle, Washington that is now implanting intrauterine devices (IUD), as well as other forms of birth control and doing so without parental knowledge or permission.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The IUD is known as a long acting reversible contraception, and may even act as an abortifacient. So, a […]
In a radio interview recorded Thursday, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio backed up some of Donald Trump’s remarks about illegal immigrants while defending the real estate moguls? “right to voice his opinion.”
Arpaio stated, “There’s no lie about the drugs coming from Mexico.?
?Everybody knows that,? he said. ?I talk about it all the time. The majority of [...]
News: Netflix service in Chicago is about to get notably more expensive. On the hunt for new revenue, Chicago's Department of Finance is applying two new rules that would impact companies like Netflix and Spotify. One covers "e;electronically delivered amuse
News crews from two television stations were robbed of cameras Thursday morning, and a camera operator was pistol-whipped by a man in a ski mask, as they reported on a homicide at Pier 14 in San Francisco. The mugging — the latest in the Bay Area to target television crews — happened at 6:03 a.m. at the pier along the Embarcadero and was captured in part on the air. KTVU reporter Cara Liu was reporting live when someone ran up and stole camera equipment belonging to KNTV, which also had a crew on the scene. During the incident, KNTV camera operator Alan Waples was pistol-whipped. The man then threw Waples to the ground and hit him with the gun in the ear, causing a large gash and leaving a big bruise on his upper arm. The robber stole a camera and tripod belonging to KNTV and struggled to put it in a black BMW, before hitting Waples one more time and telling Sanchez to get onto the ground, she said. Off camera, the man pointed a gun at Crook, stole KTVU’s camera and tripod and fled, leaving behind an ammunition clip. Sgt. Michael Andraychak, a police spokesman, said the timing of the robbery and its location on a major pedestrian thoroughfare made the investigation a high priority. The attackers were described as three males, all wearing dark clothing, with one who had dreadlocks driving a late-model BMW with upgraded rims and no license plates, police said. The heists have prompted many stations to hire security guards to accompany crews, particularly for stories in Oakland. Many of the guards are former police officers. Crook was attacked in February and robbed of a live transmission unit and a microphone while reporting from a Hayward doughnut shop on a story about the lottery. Last August, Liu was hit in the head by a woman while working a story about the shooting death of a man by private security guards at an East Oakland swap meet.
The Nobel prize-winning scientist was castigated after he said women in laboratories either fell in love with their male colleagues or cried when criticised. He later joked he was a ‘chauvinist monster’.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner The media establishment is having a cardiac arrest. The reason? Donald Trump has thrown his hat into the Republican presidential race. The billionaire businessman is a straight shooter, known for his bluntness and tough talk. Unlike most …
There's a scene in the first Madagascar movie--the animated film--where a group of penguins are staging a breakout from the zoo. In order to cover their covert activity from the prying eyes of human visitors, the lead penguin advises his comrades, "Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave." That's a pretty good analogy for Hillary Clinton's campaign for President thus far. She may have an army of highly-paid staffers working with all the diligence of military-minded penguins, but Hillary herself is mostly just smiling and waving for the cameras.
As debate rages in South Carolina over the Confederate flag on its statehouse property, a majority of Americans see the rebel flag as a symbol of Southern pride, not a reminder of racism, according to a new CNN/ORC poll out Thursday.
Churches across the country are now preparing for the inevitable assault on their tax-exempt statuses.
When Katie Couric tries to suggest Cruz's birthplace could affect his campaign, he kindly reminds her who was responsible for making birthplaces a problem.
George Takei unleashed a racist rant against Clarence Thomas, sneering that the Supreme Court justice is a "clown in blackface." The Star Trek actor on Monday fumed, "[Thomas] is a clown in black face sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry. He doesn't belong there."
Bright spots in the Obama economy are few and far between, as opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs are often quashed by a federal government that has grown too large, powerful and...
(MATURE LANGUAGE AND CONTENT WARNING:) Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media talks about the SCOTUS gay marriage decision, from the viewpoint of a Canadian. "We tr...
The inherent instability of the inverted human pyramid.
"I mean, doesn't he know slaves were chained?" the actor asks.