
Lessons From a Trade Victory: Ted Cruz inhales the Elizabeth Warren vapors, writes the Wall Street Journal editorial pages.


The New America Foundation found that twice as many people have died in attacks by right-wing groups in America than by Muslim extremists since 9/11.


By Todd Starnes
A full-fledged cultural cleansing of the Southern states is underway as lawmakers debate whether to remove Confederate flags and rename schools and parks named after Confederate war heroes.
There are also discussions in Washington, D.C. about removing Confederate-related statue


President Obama's decision to take his Earth Day speech attacking climate change deniers to Florida, home of two GOP presidential candidates, cost taxpayers $866,615.40 just for the flight of Air Force One.
Taxpayer watchdog Judicial Watch revealed Wednesday that the Air Force provided documents showing the flight expenses of flying the jumbo jet 4.2 hours to Miami. He was then helicoptered 20 minutes to the Florida Everglades for his speech.
RELATED: $100,000 a day for Michelle O's Italy, England trip
Other costs, such as security, communications and staff were not provided, but would put the speech price at way over $1 million.


The Louisiana governor is the 13th Republican candidate for the White House.


Unlike Pope Francis, I believe that air-conditioning and the capitalists responsible for the technology are blessings to the world. Perhaps the head of the Catholic Church, who condemned "the increasing use and power of air-conditioning" last week in a...


It was just a fleeting remark, but quite a telling one. Closing out a segment on his June 23 Hardball program, MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews made reference to Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof in a way which diminished the racist terrorist's responsibility for his actions.


A Missouri woman says she’s been threatened with jail time over a sandy sidewalk.


Jeb leads the GOP pack, according to brand-new national NBC/WSJ poll… Who makes that first debate, per the poll? And who gets left off?… Full NBC/WSJ poll comes out at 6:30 pm ET… What dynasty issue?... GOP candidates divided over South Carolina's Confederate flag… And Rick Perry on how NOT to talk about the Charleston shooting.


Marking today’s 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s notorious decision in Kelo v. City of New London.


The use of the battle flag by racists has overwhelmed any sense of its many meanings.


EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told an audience Tuesday gathered at a White House conference “normal people,” not “climate deniers” will win the debate on global warming. McCarthy’s rema


Zo thinks that Democrats are really the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK. Hear why.


Hillary Clinton stopped in St. Louis, Missouri Tuesday to raise cash for her campaign. Hillary was heckled outside her Florissant ...


In an interview today, Tavis Smiley tried to guilt Ted Cruz over a joke he made about gun-control in the aftermath of Charleston. Cruz joked the other day that in Texas they define gun-control as '...


A friend's experience and prediction are ominous. “I’m waiting in a car at the light on 37th and Lex,” he writes. “A guy comes up with rag and starts wiping the windshield. It’s all coming back.” T...


‘Lots of folks expected us to do something strange and break out in a riot. Well, they just don’t know us,” the Rev. Norvel Goff told the packed, multiracial congregation of Emanuel African Methodi...


Candidate is committed to reforming our broken criminal justice system


In an emotional speech that heaped scorn and blame on America and white voters for failing to pass gun control measures and perpetuating racism, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Americans must "question our own assumptions and privilege."


Longtime political journalist and pundit Mark Halperin says he owes his Republican sources an apology after apparently doubting their claims that MIT economist Jonathan Gruber played a major role in crafting ObamaCare.


History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK) via FREE REPUBLIC The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats.…


If the two senators team up to tackle any facet of gun control, it would mark a significant shift in the political debate nearly a week after a nine people were killed at a Bible study group in downtown Charleston, S.C.


President Barack Obama hosted two radical anti-Israel activists, Riham Osman and Batoul Abuharb of Houston, Texas, on Tuesday night.


Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Heller v. D.C. (2008) that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms and then ruled in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) that this right also restricts state and local governments, the high court has opted not to hear cases that might [...]