If verbal sleights (or microaggressions) are equal to violence against women — and if you've been paying attention to the current state of college campuses, they are — then President Obama is one of the worst offenders in modern history, if not ever.
Exhibit A: Yesterday, Senate Democrats blocked a trade bill supported by Obama and Republicans (yes, you read that correctly). Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., led the revolt by Democrats. On Saturday, Obama said the following of Warren:
The truth of the matter is that Elizabeth is, you know, a politician like everybody else. And you know, she's got a voice that she wants to get out there. And I understand that.
Did you see the sexism? Did you see it? Those three sentences are teeming with sexism so wrong, so disrespectful, I'm surprised the outrage brigade isn't calling for his head.
Of course, if you didn't see the sexism, you're not alone. Apparently, when Obama called Warren a politician like everybody else, he was somehow singling her out because of her gender and not, you know, treating her just like every other male and female politician.
In frantic damage control mode, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos ran to the safe zone of the left-wing Politico to announce the he will recuse himself from ABC’s February GOP debate in New Hampshire. He also admitted that the total amount he
Americans have each other's backs. A new study has revealed exactly how much that actually costs, and the numbers are higher than you may have thought.
The Census Bureau paid comedian Dick Gregory between $15,000 and $20,000, plus expenses, to address workers at its headquarters in February — and now Census regrets it. The performer and civil righ...
Charles Krauthammer argued that President Obama's criticism of the media and Fox News shows that "his arrogance knows no limits"
Washington Post's Erik Wemple analyzes the news that ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos has donated $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
FCC's Pai: FEC Wants to Regulate Drudge Like Campaign Contributions
Abortion affects only one person – the woman – according to feminist media. The U.S. House of Representatives approved the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks, in a 242 to 184 vote on May 13. In response, the feminist media like Slate and Salon accused the bill of “punish[ing] women” while also bashing the bill’s argument – that 20-week unborn babies feel pain.
A Pennsylvania university nursing student is suing the school after failing a required course twice, saying anxiety and depression made it difficult for her to concentrate.
Society's Contempt For Men - Barbara Kay Explains - Men's Rights - MGTOW MRM MRA
House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., on Wednesday unveiled a plan to repeal President Obama's healthcare law and replace it with an alternative.
The move is the latest effort by Republicans to show that they have a vision for reforming the healthcare system beyond merely undoing Obamacare. With Republicans taking over the Senate, a looming Supreme Court decision, and the 2016 campaign heating up, there has been increased pressure on the GOP to offer alternatives.
Price, an orthopedic surgeon who in January took over the budget panel from Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has been one of the leading voices on healthcare policy among Republicans.
His plan, an updated version of his Empowering Patients First Act released in the previous Congress, relies on a combination of tax credits and regulatory reforms meant to broaden access to health insurance and bring down costs without Obamacare. Its release is likely to reignite a debate on the right over whether such an approach goes far enough toward ushering in a market-based healthcare system.
Now he tells us? After raking 'Clinton Cash' author over the coals?
Same-sex couples with hearts have replaced some of the gender-neutral figures.
When Jeb arrives in Iowa this weekend, it will only be the second time this year. Sources say the Iowa Straw Poll may not be the only thing he's skipping there.
Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable ratings are rising as questions swirl about her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state and a new spotlight has been put on donations routed to her husband’s Clinton Foundation.
The former Florida governor still struggles with how to handle — and differentiate himself from — his brother’s legacy.
There seems to be this prevailing myth that before the 19th Amendment was put into action in 1920, women in America were about as valuable as a gimp donkey with ...
Carly Fiorina argued that Hillary Clinton, and many other liberals believe that "unless you fit their orthodoxy, you don't count as a woman"
While reporting on, and aggressively defending the Clinton Foundation from numerous scandals and ethical issues, George Stephanopoulos, the star and poster boy of ABC News, hid his own conflict of interest from viewers. According to Politico, Bill Clinton’s former war
Is Jesus a Bernie Sanders fan? Could be, if you believe Howard Dean. On today's Morning Joe, Dean claimed that "if you look at the red-letter version of the Bible, Jesus was probably to the left of the Democratic party." Dean's declaration came in the context of a discussion of yesterday's forum on poverty in which President Obama and AEI President Arthur Brooks participated. Question: is Dean confusing the establishment of faceless government bureaucracies that can entrap people in dependency with the kind of personal caring for the downtrodden that Christ commanded?
In an interview on Wednesday, Jeb Bush accidentally said, "I'm running for president," before backtracking to say, "if I run."
In the old days, before journalism became just another partisan political activity, this would be a firing offense:ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has given $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, charitable contributions that he did not publicly disclose while reporting on the Clintons or their non-profit organization, the On Media blog has learned.