The brothers, supporters of Republicans who oppose citizenship for undocumented immigrants, are now funding efforts that include services for them.
“I understand how much my mother really cares about me. I just got to try to do better.”
Injury on head of man whose death sparked Baltimore riots matched a bolt in the back of police van, according to local ABC news station
Much of the mainstream media coverage of the Baltimore riots has focused on the supposed misdeeds of police in a city with an alleged history of police brutality, but far less attention has been given to a number of complicating factors surrounding the outbreak.
The media make money off race riots. They gin them up; they promote them; then they react to them. Media reactions to the riots in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray have ranged from the egregious to the ridiculous.
Allen West: Dem Policies Destroying Inner Cities for 40 Years
Michael Moore; 'Disarm Police,' Release African-Americans Imprisoned For 'Nonviolent Offenses'
ABC's Karl to WH: Is 'Out and Out Bribery" Standard To Criticize Hillary
"A prominent symbol of the broken political promise."
Ed Miliband is “easily the most dangerous man who has ever come within touching distance of becoming our Prime Minister,” commentator Christopher Booker has said. Writing about Miliband’s record as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change from 2008
Yet, most struggle to define what "socialism" means.
New Black Panther Chief: Like Founding Fathers We Are Willing To Kill For Black Nation
According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund 682 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the past five years in the United States. That averages out to over 136 dead law enforcement officers each…
“I’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for two-hundred years.” — President Lyndon Johnson. The Democrat Party has always been about oppressing blacks as a way to retain political power. After their defense of slavery failed at the hands of Republican
While it can easily be said that Libertarians and Conservatives have the thinkers, there is no doubt that Liberals have ...
Osman Yahya, a middle school student, interviewed Barack Obama today during a "virtual field trip." During the Q&A section the young interviewer cut Obama off after he started boring the kids to tears. From the mouths of babes... Via Grabien:…
SEATTLE -- It may be one of the first casualties of Seattle’s new minimum wage law. The owner of Z Pizza says she’s being forced to close her doors, because she can’t afford the higher labor costs....
In Baltimore in 1910, a black Yale law school graduate purchased a home in a previously all-white neighborhood. The Baltimore city government reacted by adopting a residential segregation ordinance, restricting African Americans to designated blocks. Explaining the policy, Baltimore’s mayor ?
Expanding the constitutional right to dignity may produce far-reaching consequences that progressives will later have cause to regret.
As she famously said about John McCain and Sarah Palin, running for president requires a different skill set than running a major corporation.
A friendship that transcends politics
"The city is stable. We hope to maintain it that way."
Deferring income helped the billionaire hedge fund manager build his fortune
Glenn Beck on Wednesday said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes religious liberty "doesn't exist in America anymore if it goes against the collective knowledge." "[She] has gone further than any politician I've ever heard in my lifetime," Beck said on his radio program. "And as usual, there...
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce purports to be a Republican-leaning organization, but it actually ranked Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid better than Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) in its new scorecard for 2014 votes.