It doesnt matter if your ancestors came over on the Mayflower or if you became a citizen yesterday. An American citizen is an American citizen is an American citizen.
Not so long ago, coal miners would take a caged canary down into the stifling darkness of the earth’s depths as they would dig deeper and deeper in search of more coal. The canary was there ... Read More »
The Daily Caller's Kerry Picket reports that likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said in a speech on Thursday in New York that religious beliefs about abortion 'have to be changed.'
Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, who hosted a dinner in Manhattan with Senator Ted Cruz, are facing boycott threats to their properties that cater to a gay clientele.
The US is trying to use Iran for regional stability while shutting out Saudi Arabia.
Exclusive — Ted Cruz: Hillary Clinton ‘Embodies The Culture Of Corruption In Washington' - Breitbart
“The latest scandal regarding Hillary Clinton is stunning in the breadth of the allegations and at the same time I’m not surprised because it is consistent with a pattern we’ve seen for many decades,” presidential hopeful Ted Cruz tells Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.
Deutsch Inc Chairman Donny Deutsch argued "people are going to want to turn the page on Hillary Clinton" on Friday's "Morning Joe" on MSNBC.
Chuck Todd stated that the Clinton Foundation's dealings are politically "just dumb and inept"
The process is fragile though...
The Left’s fascist rampage against anyone who holds the same opinion on same sex marriage Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama did less than two years ago, marches on. Not content to steal a man’s livelihood or a near-successful attempt to
President Serzh Sargsyan described the killing of Armenians as “unprecedented in terms of volume and ramifications” at that point in history.
BBC documentary about how Israelis invaded Palestine, Egypt, Syria and attacked Lebanon. Israel started the 6 day war and therefore caused the 78' war. Egypt...
Friday marked the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. President Obama ignored it.
No names of individuals or campus organizations appeared on the fliers.
The Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island were both deemed safe Friday afternoon about 90 minutes after the attraction was evacuated over a phoned-in bomb threat and reports of a suspicious package, law...
What a meal the Clintons will make for some ambitious leftist reporter trying to establish his or her
The students of Johns Hopkins University have a message for Chick-fil-A: No, thank you. The university’s Student Government Association approved a resolution this week saying that university officials should pick “other non-discriminatory options” and rule out any “current and future Chick-fil-A development plans” if searching for new dining vendors on campus.
Media outlets scoffed at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker this week for his stated view that immigration policy should prioritize the needs of American workers, ignoring polls that consistently show otherw
Apparently some of the youngsters know very little about the Hillary for whom so many Democrat voters profess readiness. Seasoned journalists here at the mag, from the editor-in-chief on down, are taken aback daily to hear younger hands wonder whence her notoriety as a creep and a crook.Thankfully the New York Times and others are coming forward with extensive exposés on the more recent monkeyshines of Hillary and ’em. The young ’uns are seeing us old fuddy-duddies confirmed in our misgivings — no mistaking that — but they wonder how we knew what to expect.In the spirit of educating the next generation, then, here is a brief review of Hillary’s overlong career as a stye in the public eye, with an emphasis on her Greatest Hits.She first came to the attention of the nation at her Wellesley commencement in 1969. Senator Brooke had spoken earlier of his empathy with the desire of the students to reform the system. Hillary began her remarks with a putdown of the Senator, saying empathy “doesn’t do us anything.” Hackneyed syntax notwithstanding, her chutzpah won accolades in an age that revered irreverence.
Republicans had an opportunity to make a compelling argument against the president’s unilateral governance. Now, they are complicit in it.
The Hillary Clinton campaign is fundraising off new reporting in the Peter Schweizer book Clinton Cash.
'There's a new book out -- written by a former Republican operative with ties to a Koch-funded organization -- that uses allegations and conspiracy theories to stitch together a false narrative about Hillary without producing a single shred of evidence,' writes Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in an email to supporters.
Here's what you need to know from some of the reviews so far:
In The Wall Street Journal, Potomac Watch columnist Kim Strassel asks will the stock Clinton scandal response be enough to weather this storm?
This is an introductory video on the Armenian Genocide. The Armenians want the World and specifically the government of Turkey to recognize the genocide 100 ...
Four of the most vulnerable GOP senators bucked their party on the attorney general vote.
Researchers at Duke University in North Carolina based their study on 1,000 years of temperature records and compared it to the most severe emissions scenarios by the IPCC.