Immigrants will account for more than one in seven U.S. residents in just eight years, the Center for Immigration Studies reports.
A New York judge has granted personhood to chimpanzees. No word on if they plan to run for the Democrat nomination. For the first time in U.S. history, chimpanzees have been granted certain Constitutional rights. The chimpanzees -- Hercules and…
Republicans are terrified of being called "xenophobic" and losing votes for wanting to limit illegal immigration. Well, here's a surprise: A new report suggests taking a strong stand against loose immigration enforcement will be strongly supported by voters.
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, Hardball host Chris Matthews sounded the alarm over the left-wing being in disarray: "The Democratic Party is not unified right now. It's coming apart, you can see it, it's devolving. And so everybody – it's every man for himself, every politician for themselves right now."
Legal and illegal immigrants will hit a record high of 51 million in just eight years and eventually account for an astounding 82 percent of all population growth in America, according to new U.S. Census figures. A report from the Center for Immigration Studies that analyzed the statistics said that by 2023, one in seven U.S. residents will be an immigrant, rising to one in five by 2060 when the immigrant population totals 78 million. The report was provided to Secrets and released Wednesday evening. RELATED: The killer question of immigration reform The surge in immigrant population, both legal and illegal, threatens to slam into the presidential campaign as GOP candidates move to figure out what their position is and the president tries to use executive powers to exempt some 5 million illegals from deportation.  
Last week at Georgetown, Christina Hoff Sommers spoke at an event and some students responded with trigger warnings and exclaimed that her mere presence constituted "violence". Tonight she is speak...
On April 28th the Supreme Court of the United States will hear OBERGEFELL V. HODGES, et al., cases which will decide whether state laws defining marriage as ...

Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Every year on Earth Day we learn how bad humanity's economic development is for the health of the planet. But maybe this is the wrong message. Maybe we shoul...
Crowder takes a visit to the University of Michigan to find out just how unsafe students feel because of American Sniper. Watch:
Nineteen of the about two dozen people who may seek the Republican presidential nomination trooped to Nashua, New Hampshire, last weekend hoping to impress that state's primary voters and activists. The candidates rehearsed Republican talking points about lower taxes, smaller government and a strong foreign policy, but they had nothing to say about the impending Supreme Court decision that threatens to redefine marriage and undermine the family as we have always known it.
"When three North Carolina Muslims were gunned down by a virulent atheist..."
When I was a high school senior in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 2010, I began a campaign to repeal my state’s “creationism law,” which allows teachers to sneak religion into public school science classes by using materials that criticize evolution. Seventy-eight Nobel laureates and many other prominent scientists and educators...
As the allegations from Peter Schweizer's blockbuster new book Clinton Cash spread through the media, Clinton flacks are spinning the charges as "old news" -- but many in the media aren't playing along with the official line.
It's not smart to get too enthusiastic about any politician. I've been disappointed often. I believed Bill Clinton when he said,
A bumbling Islamic extremist’s plan to kill churchgoers in Paris went up in smoke when he accidentally shot himself, French officials said.
Before you watch this video, we wanted to make sure that everyone that did take the time to watch it, understood that this has definitely come under scrutiny and major critique, as it should. The next 5 minutes will claim that Barack Obama is, the assumed Anti-Christ. Obviously take what you hear with a grain …
Redistribution is in trouble, and that is likely to tie American politics in knots for many years to come.
National Review’s Jillian Kay Melchior reported Wednesday that, along with Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry, two more MSNBC stars are not paying their fair share of taxes. Touré  Neblett, co-host of “The Cycle” owes the IRS a cool $59,000.  Joy-Ann
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7zjPTmvAQIt is not news that virtually all American universities are decidedly leftist institutions. Few Americans, however, are aware of how inhospitable they have become to free inquiry and free discourse, and how hostile they are to anyone who stands up for Western values and against the global jihad – as some recent developments illustrate.
Complaint demands state follow its own constitution (Courthouse News) – Two former magistrates sued the N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts claiming it violated their religious rights by forcing them to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies or face discipline, termination, and even criminal prosecution. Gilbert Breedlove and Thomas Holland claim in a lawsuit filed in ...
One of the most deceitful myths in Washington is that the two parties agree on almost nothing. The opposite is true.