Watch an interview with Rand Paul as part of our Conservation with the Candidate series.
It's our oldest civil right.
Lee Kuan Yew, the first prime minister of Singapore, died last week at age 91. Almost every obituary has remarked on the radical transition his leadership heralded.
Apple's Tim Cook excoriated Indiana over its religious freedom law. But Carly Fiorina is disgusted at how businessmen like Cook are acting.

Bloody Awful

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

  This post is not about the story I'm linking, not really.  It's about something bigger than that.  But to get the basics out of the way, women in Britain are protesting because their feminine products are taxed.  (I don't know how VAT taxes work in Britain, or sales tax…
What a lovely display of "tolerance"....
There are three main ways the deal improves the benefits of potential military action.
Dianne Feinstein doesn't seem to know the book is sold on Amazon, among other places.
GARISSA, Kenya (AP) — Somalia's Islamic extremist group al-Shabab warned Saturday of more attacks in Kenya like the assault on Garissa University College that killed 148 people.
#TheRefinery crew talk about the best ways to mock the Left on social media, as well as unintended consequences of linking to Leftists- better to just screen...
Right-wing groups want court's permission to pursue the IRS in a class-action lawsuit for violating their constitutional right to equal treatment under the law.
In what may be the most shocking civil rights violation since Memories Pizza announced it would not do something for gays that it has never been asked to do, a high school student in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, was compelled to change out of yoga pants which the school deemed too revealing.The student, a physiological male who prefers to be treated as a female, was required to put on a pair of gym shorts and a polo shirt, because the principal apparently determined the clingy yoga pants displayed too vividly the form of 'her' male genitalia.
Liberal Intolerance, Round II | RealClearPolitics
Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu Friday slammed federal immigration officials for creating a huge public risk with their plans to release an illegal alien with drug-resistant tuberculosis into the largest city in Pinal County.
At the Vatican in Rome, Pope Francis listened during Good Friday services as a papal preacher decried how the world is ignoring the growing persecution of Christians.
Out of the 11,300 refugees in the U.S., 4,430 speak Arabic.
On Friday, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, along with Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) and Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), sent a letter to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and ICE Deputy Assistant Secretary Saldaña warning them not to release an illegal immigrant with drug-resistant tuberculosis into the general public.
INDIANAPOLIS (April 4, 2015) — Gay rights advocates are hoping to parlay the momentum from their legislative victories in Indiana and Arkansas this week into further expanding legal protections for gays and lesbians in those states and others.
West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin today signed legislation that will effectively prevent Tesla Motors from selling cars in the strategically located state. West Virginia shares borders with five states and its easternmost county is considered a suburb of Washington, D.C.
Well, if President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are to be believed, then the preliminary framework accord that the P5+1 struck with Iran was truly historic, and will usher in a new era of peace. Someone may have forgotten to tell Russian President Vladimir Putin that. According to RIA Novosti (and translated …
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, you could see what happened today by the jubilation in the face of the Iranian Foreign Minister when he announced what had been agreed to. The bottom line are two things. Iran is promised a total lifting of sanctions. That's U.N., E.U., United States, everywhere. We are not sure about the timing, but it could be as early as June, and that will super charge the Iranian economy, will strengthen the regime, will give it tens of billions of dollars with which not only to build its nuclear facilities, but to use for the proxy wars around the Middle East. That's number one. It gets its economy back. BRET BAIER, SPECIAL REPORT: Let me just interrupt you. The administration says it doesn't happen until it passes a threshold, in other words, they meet the requirements, then the sanctions get -- KRAUTHAMMER: They were completely unclear about what the requirements are. It is possible that when they sign the agreement in June, there will be a huge relief of sanctions. And when Obama speaks about snapping them back, if the Iranians are cheating, there is not chance in the world that the Chinese, the Russians or even the Europeans are going to snap on sanctions again. We would be acting alone, we would be completely isolated. So, number one, they are going to get their economy back and that's all they really wanted. But the second, the most astonishing thing is that in return, they are not closing a single nuclear facility. Their entire nuclear infrastructure is intact. The soundbite you showed of the president, and that was in December, no more than a year and a half ago, he talked about you don't need the Fordow facility, they are keeping it, it's not going to close. They don't need the Iraq reactor. They are gonna keep it. It will be "updated." And lastly, they don't need the advanced centrifuges, they are going to be developing new ones in the Fordow reactor. So, they are going to have the entire infrastructure in place either for a breakout after the agreement expires or when they have enough sanctions relief and they want to cheat and to breakout on their own.
Boy do I have a deal for you. Give me enough money to build a fancy new house, and I promise I won’t try to blow up yours. You can even check my basement to make sure I’m not stockpiling dynamite. ...
This short story provides a perfect explanation of how government stimulus programs work. It's short, funny and makes a really good point!
A black man shouldn't be forced to bake a cake for a KKK party. A Jew shouldnt be forced to bake a cake for a Nazi shindig.
Zo really hit this one out of the park, hammering liberals who are distorting the Bible to push their evil homosexual agenda with hard Biblical truth! Watch: