Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, like all departing federal employees, was required to fill out and sign a separation statement affirming that she had turned over all classified and other government documents, including all emails dealing with official business. Fox News Megyn Kelly reported Wednesday evening on the requirement and that a spokesman for Clinton had not responded to a request for comment, including an explanation of when the former chief U.S. diplomat signed the mandatory separation agreement or, if she didn't, why didn't she. The Washington Examiner also asked Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill for comment late Wednesday but had received no response from him early Thursday. Clinton did not respond when asked about the issue earlier this week by the Associated Press. The issue was first raised Monday by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.
Last week, the Wall Street Journal featured “A Better World, Run By Women,” a rather hilarious essay penned by Emory anthropology professor Melvin Konner. As more women gain power around...
We've seen unprecedented success all across the country this year. Check out the details in today's Article V Update!

Ferguson: The Pale Blue Dot

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Carl Sagan's poetic summary of the Ferguson Crisis Approved by Science(TM)! -- http://www.unz.com/isteve/blackwhite-arrest-ratios-ferguson-is-averageville-us...


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.

Obamacare's Tangled Web

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Supreme Court should strike down the IRS regulation allowing subsidies for health care policies purchased through the federal exchange.
A great piece on The Kelly file tonight highlighting anti-police bias by the mainstream media in the aftermath of the death of Tony Robinson, an 'unarmed' black teen in Madison who was shot by a wh...

What Matters: Keystone Pipeline

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

WHAT MATTERS. Alright so admit it, you probably don’t know quite as much about all of the issues as you might want to. I definitely don’t. but due to the 24 ...
Tom Cotton's Letter to Iran Gets the Constitution Right -

When Liberals Blew It

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fifty years ago, Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued presciently that the rise of single-parent households would make poverty more intractable. Have we learned anything since?
The media have developed a predictable and equally annoying habit every presidential election cycle. We hear the Republicans are going to be crushed by pandering too much to conservatives. The Democrats are firmly moderate and need a push from the left so they don’t forget their “compassion.” So it was with Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter 35 years ago. So will it be in 2016, no matter who is nominated
Cuba has lashed out at the U.S. for sanctioning Venezuela, repaying President Obama for coddling the Castro regime. Yes, it shows Obama's naivete. But it also puts pressure on Castro.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Monday signed into law a measure that prohibits requiring a worker to pay union dues, striking another blow against organized labor four years after the state effectively ended collective bargaining for public-sector employees. Walker, a likely presidential...
Your home may no longer be your castle. A DC Superior Court judge issued a temporary injunction prohibiting Edwin Gray, his family and his guests from smoking inside his Northeast DC home. This includes cigars, cigarettes as well as marihuana, all of which are currently legal in the District. Now when Gray wants to smoke a cigarette, he has to step outside.
FERGUSON, Mo. — Earlier on Wednesday Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson, whose department received scathing criticism from the Justice Department for racially biased policing, will resign March 19, city
The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the government has no idea what the size or cost of the federal government's contracted workforce is. The analysis also determined that the gover
Ten scandals involving Hillary Clinton, not counting her email controversy.
By cropping President Bush out of their Selma picture, the New York Times reminds us of the significant role Republicans played in the Civil Rights Movement.
letters in The Wall Street Journal government worker pensions, Calpers, 401(k) for everyone else, unfair to taxpayers, irresponsible politicians


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
“But who would pass a crazy act like the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act’?!” exclaims the exasperated Obama...
Researchers warn about the danger of benevolent-seeming wolves in sheeps' clothing.
Last week's drama in the House of Representatives , when Speaker John A. Boehner needed Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi to rescue him from his own rebellious party, looked like a messy disaster for Republicans . But it could have been worse.
Professional idiot and erstwhile Senator Babs Boxer went on the Ed Show to tell everyone they can trust Hillary because she went to a State Department meeting once, and no one was emailing anyway. ...