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Hillary Clinton gave a press conference about how and why she built a private server for her government communications. It went poorly. This poorly.


The IHRC gave their international âIslamophobe of the Yearâ award to the left-wing French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo


Hillary Clinton’s press performance Tuesday afternoon was, truly, everything Americans could have hoped for from our former First Lady, Modern Joan of Arc, Lady Macbeth, Senate carpetbagger and eternal public Woman Scorned.


Chris Matthews might be trying to deflect from Hillary's email scandal, but I think he might be right in saying that there are even bigger problems with the foreign contributions to the Clinton Fou...


In The Wall Street Journal, Jason L. Riley writes that Ferguson, Mo., in 2015 is not Alabama in 1965. But liberals have reasons to pretend otherwise.


Iranian leaders need to know that the Senate must approve any deal President Obama negotiates, writes Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.


BY PHILIP KLEIN, Washington ExaminerOn Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom Cotton, R-Ark., released an "open letter" to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs with President


The Associated Press filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the State Department to force the release of email correspondence and government documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's tenure as secretary of state. The legal action comes after repeated requests filed under the U.S. Freedom of...


Surprised? So were the researchers who tested and compared workers in 23 countries.


Researching the link between gun prevalence and crime is inherently tricky. When society itself is your laboratory, it's almost impossible to properly account for confounding variables that might...


Planet Fitness is about to see a huge upswing in membership signups for a most unexpected reason, and ironically that reason may also shortly render the popular health club a male only facility. But for now, ... Read More »


The battle over insurance subsidies.


If Republicans want to know how to respond to Obama's barbs and attacks, they should pay attention to what Scott Walker said after Obama smacked him for signing a right-to-work bill into law.


The ATF did what right-wingers live in fear of. They noticed.


The president of a black pastors coalition is angry that Pres. Obama compared the civil rights movement to that for same-sex marriage at the 50th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday.


Graham: We Sent Iran Letter Once Obama Told Congress to Go to Hell


After risking their lives in the hopes of making it into the United States, migrants from Central American are demanding safer ways to cross the border. Thousands of immigrants jump on a freight t...


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that Hillary Clinton thinks "some of these laws apply to some lower people, but not to me, I'm Hillary Clinton"


Maddow Suggests Fox News Employees Send Each Other Racist Emails


Attorney General Eric Holder used secretive email accounts under at least three aliases during his tenure at the Justice Department.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: It's a total dodge and given the structure of the press conference she was able to succeed in dodging. One of the problems I have to say is reporters ask two questions or three. That is an invitation for anybody on the other side to escape the question. You ask one question and then you stop and then the person who is holding the press conference has to actually answer it. She slipped away from a couple that way.
I think what is going to happen on her part is this. She has decided that stonewalling works. Obama has shown it works on a lot of stuff. A lot of their scandals have been stonewalled and they go away. Within a week or two what you are going to hear from the Clinton apologists is going to be it's old news. And that's going to be the story. Her calculation is, 'Yes, I will be damaged a bit with the press because of the stonewalling but infinitely less than I would be if anybody, an objective observer were to go through and look at the e-mails.'
BRET BAIER, SPECIAL REPORT: Quickly, if you were a Clinton supporter, this is a stretch of a question, but if you were, do you see any silver lining in today?
KRAUTHAMMER: No. But I think that if you stonewall well enough you can succeed.
JUAN WILLIAMS: Let me just quickly say this. The silver lining is she said she made a mistake. She said that. She said that she should have used two separate e-mails. She said she should have used two phones?
KRAUTHAMMER: You believe she means it?
WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you, In terms of silver lining which is the question from our anchor.
BAIER: She said it would have been better had I simply used a separate account. I mean, that is as close as we got to contrition.
WILLIAMS: Right. But I do think that is saying, listen, this is a mistake.
STEVE HAYES: The one thing that comes out of the press conference is a guarantee that the story grows from here because she answered only one question and that question was the server will remain private which spawns dozens of other questions.
KRAUTHAMMER: It is the ultimate in pseudo-contrition and I don't think anybody watching it could have any other idea.
WILLIAMS: Even you as a Clinton supporter. But I'm saying others -- of the Democratic party, I noticed in the polls, including one today in the Wall Street Journal, it's just not gaining traction.
KRAUTHAMMER: Well, perhaps they underestimate the capacity of her supporters for self-deception.
WILLIAMS: Last word Charles Krauthammer.


(AP) -- Gov. Chris Christie is touting the budgetary benefits of Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.


If Florida banned the terms "climate change" and "global warming" why do state department searches for those words return hundreds of results?


On Tuesday, the Oklahoma state House approved legislation that transfers the issuance of marriage licenses from the state to clergy members.