Giffords' husband, Mark Kelly, was turned away twice on gun purchases in 2013 because of certain requirements and stipulations of the current background check system.
In response to the ATF attempt to regulate rifle ammunition, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) has reintroduced legislation to disband the agency.
M855 Ban--Death To the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF)? Maybe letting the ATF die a sudden death would put both the agency and gun owners out of their collective misery....
You may be familiar with Truffaut's famous quote, "there's no such thing as an anti-war film," which captures the quandry of inadvertently glorifying war by giving it a cinematic representation. I ...
The latest version of a top-selling study guide for the Advanced Placement European History exam explains the French Revolution with a chart which identifies Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as
A bill to be introduced on Tuesday would end the federal prohibition on medical marijuana.
Dear Planet Fitness, I went to your website today looking to cancel my membership, but it says I have to do it in writing. I hope this letter will satisfy that requirement. Now, because you need this written down like it's a divorce filing, I thought I...
The controversial decision by the UC Irvine student body government to ban the American flag – as well as all other flags – speaks to broader generational shifts in views of patriotism. The decision has since been overturned.
Erik Prince has a message for ISIS: You’re lucky Blackwater is gone... Last week, the controversial founder of the private military company had plenty to say about what the organization he once ran could be doing in the fight against the so-called Islamic State—and also why Republicans need to stop being such losers. “It’s a …
The ATF is facing a firestorm of controversy after seeking public comment on a proposal to ban a popular type of bullet.
With EVs and other fuel-efficient vehicles saving consumers money at the pump, Oregon will be the first to issue a per-mile road tax to refill its coffers.
“The president did email with Secretary Clinton,” Josh Earnest said. 

Paper Tigress

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

Best of the Web: Mrs. Clinton turned over printouts, not emails, James Taranto notes.
The following guest post is by William J. Upton The Daily Caller’s Eric Owens has an interesting piece up on a bizarre section in Barron’s AP European History (a study guide aimed at preparing high...
There is a double standard that separates college rape victims from their alleged attackers… or innocent bystanders who happen to resemble them.
Hillary Clinton's foundation says the money Algeria gave it was for a charitable cause, not favorable treatment. But plenty of bribes are given as charity.
The New Yorker’s Gabriel Sherman took a deep-dive into the ongoing shipwreck that is NBC News. The most fascinating tidbit had nothing to do with the House of Cards-style machinations embroiling the Peacock Network. Buried under more than a dozen
Last week, Dr. Ben Carson, a possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate, stepped onto unstable political ground. Asked whether he believes that “being gay is a choice,” Carson stated that he “absolutely” did
Another feather in his cap.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission awarded the Charlie Hebdo journalists, who were slaughtered by Islamists in January, as Islamophobes of the year. The editor and cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo, Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb, was slaughtered by Muslims in January.…
Obamacare exchange customers could see a significant spike in their premiums over the next few years as insurers face pressures from both the government and the marketplace, the Congressional Budget Office said Monday in a new analysis finding Obamacare is both cheaper and less comprehensive than predicted.
(AP) — A panel at the University of California, Irvine on Saturday vetoed a student council vote to ban display of the American flag — or any other national flag — from its lobby, bringing a quick end to a prohibition that lasted just two days and won the school broad negative attention. The resolution authored by student Matthew Guevara of the university's social ecology school lists 25 reasons for the ban, saying that the American flag has been flown in times of "colonialism and imperialism" and could symbolize American "exceptionalism and superiority." On Friday, state Sen. Janet Nguyen, R-Santa Ana, said she and other legislators may introduce a state constitutional amendment to prohibit "state-funded universities and college campuses from banning the United States flag."
Homeowners should consider fitting CCTV to trap burglars, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe (pictured) has said.