Israel’s prime minister offered a real alternative on Iran: no nuclear sunset until it stops supporting terror.
In 2007, and with that same nauseating arrogance that has come to define him, then presidential candidate Barack Obama duplicitously quipped, I am absolutely convinced that culture wars are just so 90s. Their days are growing dark.
Hillary Clinton's State Department was cited nine times by its own inspector general for improperly using personal email accounts, storing records on personal email, or not properly archiving emails.
Fox News reported tonight that Hillary Clinton may have had several different private email addresses she used that were all on her private email server. They got this information on the multiple e...
President Barack Obama's November amnesty will give $1.7 billion in taxpayers' cash to illegal immigrants, according to a congressional study. The news emerged two days after top Republican leaders
The U.S. ambassador to South Korea was seriously injured in an attack Thursday morning in Seoul, and his assailant was immediately arrested, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.
Hillary Clinton's response to stories that she used a private email account to conduct government business was nowhere near satisfactory for MSNBC
In 2012, the Affordable Care Act survived a full-scale constitutional assault in the U.S. Supreme Court. Now, it faces a potentially devastating surgical strike. Obamacare’s new challenge is schedu...
The event was supposed to raise money for foster children.
New Federal law Has Made it Tougher for Law-Abiding People to Live Overseas
A Pennsylvania man says airport security threw him in a jail cell for 23 hours because he asked to file a complaint, according to a lawsuit.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Hillary Clinton Banned Use of Private Email by State Department Employees … While She Conducted All Her Business By Private Email -

Obamacare saved? Not so fast

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Obamacare supporters were cheered Wednesday by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s tough grilling of the lead attorney in the latest lawsuit — and the law’s opponents came away nervous. That doesn’t mean the suspense is over and Kennedy will be the deciding vote to save the law. There’s still enough uncertainty about the outcome...
Tonight on BBC4 you have another chance to see the BBC’s latest propaganda effort on behalf of the climate change alarmism lobby. It’s called Climate Change By Numbers and I reviewed it, briefly, in the Spectator. Its arguments went something
A majority of House lawmakers now are on record opposing the Obama administration’s proposed ban on ammunition commonly used in AR-15 rifles.
Chicago’s mayor allegedly blew up when he was asked why he closed clinics. Looks like ‘Rahmbo’ is back.
The United States has dropped 29 spots in the annual Reporters Without Borders press freedom ranking since 2009, when President Barack Obama took office.
The United States has fallen out of the top 10 countries in the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom published jointly by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal. The index, the 20th published by the two organizations, rates countries by 10 criteria. In the 2014 edition released Monday night, the U.S. fell two spots to 12th place, leapfrogged by both Ireland and Estonia. Hong Kong ranked first, as it has every year. America's score on the index has fallen for seven straight years, and the conservative Heritage Foundation now ranks the U.S. as only mostly free. The top countries on the index -- Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada -- all rank as free. The decline in America's ranking was driven by slipping scores in the categories of fiscal freedom, business freedom and property rights.
'Operation Choke Point' unfairly targets businesses it doesn't like.
Per FNC's Catherine Herridge... Fox Exclusive: Clinton Internal Cable Forbids Use Personal Accounts Fox News has exclusively obtained an internal 2011 Stat
SXSW, Austin's annual sticky-floored music industry sport coat and jeans cocaine marathon, wherein bands willingly exhaust themselves playing garbage sets for little or no money, deriving sustenance from tacos and the hope of "exposure," features a McDonald's showcase this year. And, no doy, they aren't paying.
POLK CITY, Fla. (AP) — The family that owns the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus won't say just what it was that made them finally decide to remove elephant acts from the "Greatest Show on Earth." The move…
Democrat Leader Elijah Cummings Could Face Up to Five Years in Prison for Illegal Attacks on True the Vote-- Last April House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report implicating Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in colluding with the…