Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In a surprise move, the Wisconsin Legislature has called an extraordinary session to pass Right to Work legislation that will curb the worst abuses of union power – the power to coerce workers in certain fields into mandatory union membership. The efforts of Scott Walker against the public sector unions and in support of growing GOP numbers in the | Read More »
Democratic officials are second-guessing the party's obsession with attacking the Koch brothers, saying it bears some of the blame for last year's devastating election losses as the focus on the conservative billionaires diluted a party message already struggling for clarity.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz is calling the injunction issued last night by U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, blocking President.02/17/2015 15:02:30PM EST.
According to MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes, global warming apparently trumps terror concerns such as ISIS. While much of the country is covered with snow and facing brutal cold, Hayes appeared on the February 17 edition of Last Call to warn: “The single most important thing we face globally is the fact that we are heating the planet to a level that is never before been tried, while also trying to have human civilization.”
Mike Barnicle: proud member of the Barack Obama "terrible deeds in the name of Christ" school of moral blindness . . .  Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe with a protracted and impassioned plea for America—and in particular President Obama—to call out radical Islam by name. Mika Brzezinski was dubious, citing unspecified "difficult times" in the past when presidents used the wrong language. But taking Mika's misgivings a giant step further, Mike Barnicle flatly declared that we can't call radical Islam by name because "we're the Crusaders."
A federal judge angrily accused Justice Department attorneys in newly unsealed documents of fraud upon the court by intimidating a witness in a case involving a former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent who blew the whistle on the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal.
A possible hate crime is investigated after a fire is set at a Central Florida church and "Allahu Akbar" was written nearby.
(Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked President Barack Obama's plan to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation, an issue likely to be seized upon in the 2016 presidential campaign.
Sweet, sweet, freedom
Conservative activist and reality TV star Phil Robertson will be the second recipient of the annual Citizens United “Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award” at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference Citizens United President David N. Bossie, Breitbart News Network CEO Larry Solov and Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon announced today.
State Dept: 'We Can Not Kill Our Way' To Victory Against the Islamic State (February 16, 2015)
Obamacare's second enrollment period has been far less technologically embarrassing than the famous debacle of 2013 and 2014 --.02/17/2015 15:02:27PM EST.
A piece of pre-Obamacare propaganda reveals the extent of the errors and distortions that fueled the debate and helped get the monstrous legislation passed.
Kitzhaber and the Greedy Greens - Energy isn’t the only thing that’s green when you’re pushing the clean-energy agenda.
Get the shredders ready — the Tea Party could be coming. The city’s new municipal ID program allows for personal info provided by applicants to be destroyed at the end...
A federal judge late Monday halted President Obama's deportation amnesty, ruling he overstepped his powers in trying to grant legal status and "benefits and privileges" to millions of illegal immigrants, in a stunning decision that chides the president and throws the White House's plans into disarray just a day before applications were to be accepted.
Zvika Klein, a reporter for Jewish news outlet NRG, silently walked in Paris for ten hours wearing a kippah on his head. Shockingly, he was harassed, intimidated and even spat at.