Pfizer has said that its vaccine, which was created with BioNTech, was proven to be safe and effective in clinical trials with kids aged 5 to 11.
No one spoke of college students being trapped in debt until rather recently. Prior to the advent of federal student aid programs, college wasn’t expensive, few Americans regarded it as important to their lives, and what borrowing they did for it was through private institutions that were careful not to lend where they perceived too … Continue reading "How Did We Get Into the Debt Trap?"
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SUBSTACK! Love it or hate it? the CDC Case Surveillance file is the data bomb. Paid subscribers ? special dataset for you at the end! I visit one page on CDC.gov multip…
Acting Boston Mayor Kim Janey signed an executive order Wednesday to recognize the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day.
Will the incumbent governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, run for a third term? While several political sources have told a NewBostonPost reporter informally over the past few months they to expect it to happen,  Baker hasn’t said either way yet. However, he hasn’t ruled it out and continues to raise money. September 2021 was one...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Thursday that a deal was reached to raise the debt ceiling and avoid a nationwide default.
Tucker Carlson hit the nail on the head in his opening monologue tonight.  This is the first time the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) has been spotlighted as the center of Main Justice’s political targeting operation.  One small but important point Tucker got wrong was the timeline of the DOJ-NSD being weaponized for domestic political […]
Amidst market volatility led by the major tech stocks , Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel told wealth managers at the Forbes/SHOOK Top Advisor Summit in Las Vegas that the current inflation figures are unsustainable and projected 20% to 25% inflation over the next few years.
"For them to give these APOCALYPTIC numbers for Biden means they must be, somehow, far, far worse."
The first trial in the college admissions scandal will begin jury deliberation Thursday, the Associated Press reported. Jurors will now decide if two men
American and Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology planned  to create a novel coronavirus not found in nature, according to a grant proposal.
Officials in the Biden administration have found a lone federal judge willing to block Texas' new abortion law, Robert L. Pitman, who released his opinion late Wednesday.
Why do you think Facebook is so excited about Section 230 reform and government regulation of Big Tech – did it suddenly start caring about free speech and the rights
Democrats in Virginia are using the COVID-19 pandemic to press Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement for mail-in absentee ballots ahead of the gubernatorial election.
The New York Times spoke with several Afghan gun dealers, who said the Taliban sold the weapons to them, and they are reselling them, including in Pakistan, part of the $85 billion trove of weapons left behind during American exit
Americans don't live under representative government. We are living under government by the screen people, of the screen people, for the screen people.
A Florida appellate court on Wednesday tossed a challenge to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ prohibition on mask mandates in schools. The Third District Court of
Republicans in Congress are beginning to fire back at Attorney General Merrick Garland for siccing federal authorities on parents who object to policies
Sean Hannity warned Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky not to help Democrats raise the debt ceiling even temporarily.
Bill Maher is noticing a lot more conservatives among his fans. He said the number of conservative fans he has is growing.
With friends like Columbia, Panama, and Costa Rica moving oceans of global migrants to the U.S. southern border, who needs enemies?
  Top Chinese and US diplomats have held talks which were constructive and conducive to enhancing mutual understanding in ...
Both Senate Democrats and Republicans are trading paper on a potential agreement on the debt ceiling while debate continues over infrastructure and reconciliation.
In a week’s span, about 28,000 illegal aliens were apprehended at the border, at least 12,000 of whom were released into the country.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican and Democratic leaders edged back Wednesday from a perilous standoff over lifting the nation's borrowing cap, with Democratic senators signaling they were receptive to an offer from Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell that would allow an emergency extension into December.