Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a report (pdf) on Sept. 30 on the FBI’s applications to surveil U.S. ...
United States President Joe Biden has inked a stand-alone continuing resolution aimed at averting a government shutdown on September 30, the end of the US fiscal year. The stopgap bill, passed by the...
Three controversial cases were brought to the court as emergency motions and were decided without the court's more typical full briefing and oral argument. That process has been called the court's "shadow docket."
ANN ARBOR, MI - Janice Donaldson, thirty-year-old schoolteacher and Don Lemon superfan, forlornly looked out her bedroom window, wondering if the day would ever come when she could safely leave the confines of her well-Cloroxed home.'Can you imagine how it will feel one day to just be able to go to the grocery store again?' she said as she placed ...
Rep. Norma Torres says in a new Los Angeles Times story that she sleeps with a gun nearby after receiving what the newspaper described as "hateful messages and images" online
The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday denied U.S. landing rights to a charter plane carrying more than 100 American citizens and legal permanent residents attempting to flee Afghanistan, flight organizers told Reuters.What are the details?Bryan Stern, one of the organizers and a founder of ...
The Covid-19 pandemic is a 'stress test' for Western democracies. According to political philosopher David Thunder, the West is failing this test as the dividing line between Chinese collectivism and European individualism has begun to blur.
The U.S. risks spiraling into a Cuban or Venezuelan-style socialist economic system if Biden and Pelosi pass their 'human infrastructure' bill, Victor Davis Hanson says.
Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday lavished praise on a college student who accused Israel of committing “ethnic genocide,” telling her that “your truth should not be suppres…
Congressional Democrats’ $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending plan would greatly expand the power and reach of the federal government. Its fate rests on what Congress does with the debt limit.
Presidentish Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s bank...
Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that the White House would have made progress on dealing with the pandemic if it wasn't for former President Donald Trump. 
Did House dems sneak in an OSHA provision to enforce Biden's vax mandate?
YouTube on Thursday restored the Ron Paul Institute channel after mistakenly removing it for violating its community guidelines, the company said. Responding to a tweet from former Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul announcing that his channel had been removed apparently without warning, YouTube said it...
White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted Thursday that the Democratic Party’s infighting over a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package is democracy at work.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced a bill that would require all airline passengers on domestic flights to either be fully vaccinated or produce a negative China virus test.
When will Republicans stop trying to kick the Lucy’s football that is liberal approval? It’s never going to happen – no matter how soft, pliable, milquetoast, and Mitty you are,
The judges failed to recuse themselves from 685 lawsuits from 2010 to 2018 involving companies in which they or their family held shares, a Wall Street Journal investigation found. “I am mortified,” said one. “I just blew it.”
A senior Al Qaeda leader has been killed in a drone strike in Syria, U.S. defense officials confirmed to Fox News Thursday.
Swing voters across the United States are moving away from the Democrats and their agenda for racial profiling, voting by mail and monetary handouts and they are more concerned about vote fraud than they are by the Democrats' talking point of "voter suppression," according to a new poll.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra during a Senate Health Committee hearing on Thursday.Stay ConnectedForbes on Facebook: http://fb.com/fo...
Social conservatives are used to get votes for the GOP but the GOP going along with liberal social policies killed social conservatism.
While other nations are fully removing their pandemic restrictions, the White House and more than a few governors are refusing to let the people be free
Joe Manchin, under great pressure, will kill the filibuster to appease the Democrats after killing their infrastructure bill.