Chinese TV host on Lithuania: Beijing should "kill the chicken to frighten the monkey"
CNN's Brian Stelter did not address colleague Chris Cuomo's newest scandal on "Reliable Sources" Sunday, instead dedicating airtime to the Jan. 6 riots, upcoming Britney Spears documentaries and other topics.
A draft copy of the 2020 Maricopa County election audit has been leaked to KJZZ, a Phoenix-based radio station. The validity of the draft report they obtained was confirmed by audit spokesman Randy Pu...
He also made a special point to honor our military.
I'm not going to call him a celebrity, because as large as I am, Shaq evens dwarfs me -- but, there are few people of note at that level that have as big of a heart and are as generous with their time, heart and money as NBA Hall of Famer Shaquille (Shaq) O'Neal.  I might be a little biased here, because I remember when Shaq was drafted into the NBA by the Orlando Magic when I was 10-years-old. I still have multiples of his rookie cards. Shaq was larger than life, still is. His personality, along with his admiration of the once All-American character of Superman, his humbleness despite practically being a giant, his respect for police, his respect for the military and his societal colorblindness make Shaq a true role model that kids should can figuratively and literally look up to. Put aside all the things he's accomplished on the basketball court, which are tremendous in their own right. Shaq, by all accounts, is just a good human being. So when I heard about his interview, released on Friday, with the New York Post's Jenna Lemoncelli, I had to take note and make sure all of you knew about it, because there are some people of note who still "get it," whatever "it" is. Here's what Shaq said: "Celebrities are crazy. I don't even want to be in that category. They are. They're going freakin' insane. Don't call me that anymore. These people are out of their freakin' mind. How they treat people, what they do, what they say. That's never been me. I never want to be looked at like that. And you know, all my life, you know, we -- everyone probably gets stereotyped -- but us celebrities we get stereotyped, because most of these celebrities are out of their damn mind. I don't want to do that. I'm a regular person that listened, followed his dreams, made it. But just because I made it, don't mean I'm bigger than you. Just cause I've made it don't mean I'm smarter than you. Just cause I have more money than you don't mean that I'm better than you. I've never been that way, and I'll never be that way.  So I don't want to be in that category with them people. So when they talk about Shaq and say, 'What you say? He's a nice guy.' Cause what else can you be? Cause you're either nice or the A-word, and I definitely don't want to be looked at as the A-word. I want people to say, 'Bro, he's nice. He don't have an entourage. His people didn't take my phone cause I took a picture and threw it.'  Like this, these celebrities are going freaking crazy, and I don't want to be one. I denounce my 'celebrtiness' today. I'm done with it." Here's the thing. I don't know why anyone would, but if some celebrity had a problem with what Shaq said, what are they going to do? He's freakin' Shaq! What are they going to step to him? Give me break. He could squash them in between his toes -- not that he would. We get so bogged down in what it means to be a celebrity that it becomes a sole motivation for what a lot of people do on social media and video platforms. They pretend to be celebrities or "influencers," when in reality, they're just people like you or I. They look to be who they're not and aspire to be a person that doesn't resemble who they really are. It's sad, actually. Then you have people like Shaq. Shaq is the man. He doesn't have an ego like Jordan or LeBron. He knows what he's capable of, and is secure in what he isn't. Shaq doesn't need affirmation from anyone on his accomplishments or his good deeds. He lets his actions speak for themselves, and they say more than he ever could. For video of what Shaq said, watch below:  
Red Flag gun confiscation passes the House of Representatives 316-113 with the support of 135 Republicans.
He said the Biden administration put the Border Patrol agents in a difficult situation because it failed to enforce the country’s immigration laws and secure the border.
Bush traveled to the southern border on Saturday amid the illegal immigration crisis plaguing the Biden administration.
Ana Navarro, one of two co-hosts who were pulled from ABC's "The View" live on air Friday due to positive COVID-19 tests, has since revealed the results that caused the chaos were false positives.
In the latest chapter of CNN stoking hatred against Republicans and further dividing Americans, Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” featured host Brian Stelter chatting it up with Yale Professor Timothy Snyder about what the mission of the liberal media should be as we
                          JOE BIDEN IS THE NORTHBOUND END OF A SOUTHBOUND HORSE                                                              By Daniel John Sobieski   A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no one can talk to a horse, of course, unless, of course, that talking horse is the famous Sleepy Joe.  Let out on work release by the handlers he always says he will get in trouble with, Dementia Joe Biden addressed a handful of carefully selected reporters with prepared questions and promised that those responsible would be punished and there would be consequences. Oh, no, not those responsible for flooding our borders with untested, unmasked, and unvaccinated illegal aliens and then shipping them at taxpayer expense to communities around the nation where they are free to wander, burden our health, education, and criminal justice system when they commit crimes. Want to witness the mother of all super-spreader events? Just look at the border that Joe Biden has flung wide…
Biden's not complaining that he's got a lot on his plate.
Kit Knightly We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I saw a gra…
LA PALMA, Canary Islands—Just a day after Time Magazine named her "Person of the Year," Greta Thunberg was fighting climate change, this time near a volcano eruption in the Canary Islands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DbYJIC8OWc Thunberg took her famous hot-air balloon powered by her own
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Sunday that more than 12,000 Haitian migrants have been released into the US
The FBI had an informant in the crowd during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, the New York Times reported on Saturday. The report said the secret informant was a member of Proud Boys, and revealed the group "had no plans to engage in violence" on Jan. 6, and there were no preplanned discussions of stormi...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky said Friday that the definition of "fully vaccinated" ...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans a vote soon to push Senator Bernie Sanders's $3.5 trillion socialist dream budget one step closer to law.The news grows worse from there.Every other detail about this onerous legislation merits scorn, revulsion, and rejection.The Build Back Better budget resolution boasts a $3.5 trillion price tag. Taxpayers should be so lucky.This figure assumes that several key initiatives, including the child tax credit, will expire in three to five years. Since government programs are virtually immortal, this is not wishful thinking. It’s pure fantasy.
Lorie Smith lost a 2-1 ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit that mandates she create custom graphics and websites for LGBT customers.
Country singer Lee Greenwood, who is most famous for his best-selling single “God Bless the USA,” was “shocked” after finding out that Joe Biden and his administration had abruptly removed…