WASHINGTON – Beto O’Rourke, edging closer to challenging Gov. Greg Abbott, on Friday defended his vow to confiscate assault-style guns during the 2020...
If schools can’t make your kids pray to Jesus, then they can’t make them pray to the Aztec gods of human sacrifice in the name of dismantling oppressive white supremacy, either. That’s the claim being put forth in the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation new lawsuit against the California Board
They wouldn't be admitting to this if there wasn't more to come.
Keaton Crull, a three-month-old baby from Indiana being treated in Kentucky, is about to be removed from life support over his parents’ objections.
Parents who send their children to local schools may feel powerless in the face of woke administrators and faculty. It may seem impossible that your discontent with your local school system could ever have much of an effect one way or the other.
U.S. - A new study has found that horse unemployment is up 900% under the Biden administration, representing a massive increase in the number of horses looking for work from when Trump was in office.'I just got laid off yesterday,' said one horse named Gluestick. 'I couldn't believe it - I gave years and years of my life to the Borde ...
Rapper Dan Sur surprised his followers on social networks after revealing that he had gold chain surgically implanted into his head like hair
Hey, everybody. Happy weekend! This is something new I'm doing just to get a few things off my chest at the end of a long week -- you know, having to watch the establishment blather on and on and on and on and on about how they're saving democracy and America and the world and your health and all the other bullshit they don't actually care about. So welcome back for the second installment of This Week In Stupid. First and foremost, how about these racist bitches at Arizona State University (ASU), huh? In case you've lived under a rock for the past couple of days, let me give you a refresher. Video went viral a couple of days ago of two students "of color" berating two white students in a multi-cultural center on the ASU campus, basically for being white. Okay, it's slightly more complex than that, but not much. The first spoiled, entitled racist -- presumably the black student who was filming the self-induced altercation -- confronted two white male students in the center, because one of them had a "Police Lives Matter" sticker on his laptop. As transcribed by Alana Mastrangelo of Breitbart: “What did I do wrong?” one of the white students can be heard asking at the beginning of the video, to which a non-white student replies: “You’re offensive. ‘Police lives matter?'” “You’re making this space uncomfortable,” the student off camera continues. “You’re white. Do you understand what a multicultural space [means]? It means you’re not being centered.” The students go back and forth, with the students "of color" making one racist remark after another. "This white man thinks he can take up our space, and this is why we need a multicultural space, because they think they can get away with this shit." "This is the only space that you’re not centered, and you’re still trying to center yourself, which is white cis male bullshit." After the white student told the racists that he's only trying to study and that he's not racist and not trying to offend anyone, the black student then went on a tirade about how police "kill people like me." "...you’re promoting our murderers." Is she talking about other people of color? Because that's who kills about 90 percent of black and Latino people in places like Chicago. Oh no, she's talking about police, because that's the narrative she's been fed by the establishment media, their professors and the government -- which includes the "President" and "Vice President." Here's video of the situation:
U.S. - COVID's approval rating has skyrocketed after briefly interrupting The View this week with a positive test scare. According to a Gallup poll, 96% of Americans now approve of COVID, up from just 2% before The View broadcast was interrupted with two of the hosts testing positive for the virus. 'You know, this COVID th ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In an impassioned speech on the House floor, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez argued that we should not fund an Iron Dome because of its impracticality.'An iron dome would be completely impractical,' she said, banging on her lectern like Mussolini and tearing up a little bit. 'How would the sun get through? How, I a ...
Alabama Rep. Tommy Hanes proposes a bill that would give an employee injured from an employer-mandated, COVID-19 vaccine the right to sue the employer.
Prosecutors won’t be allowed to argue at trial that a man who shot three people during a Wisconsin protest against police brutality believes in the Proud Boys’ violent tactics or was affiliated with the white nationalist group the night of last year’s shootings, a judge ruled Friday.
Most of the ideas in Bernier’s platform would be perfectly welcome within big-tent conservative parties in other countries
Democrat's official Twitter wants Americans to believe that the Biden administration has been successful so far.
Kendall Tietz  President Joe Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said the approval of a COVID-19 vaccine for children would be a “game changer” for
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Friday apologized to her constituents for her “present” vote on funding Israel’s Iron Dome defense system a day earlier and explained why she cried on the House floor.
The perfectly named "Chinese People's Liberation Army" flexed its military muscles in Taiwan using 24 military aircraft in two displays of force on Thursday.
Cornell University gerontologist Karl Pillemer conducted a massive study involving 700plus individuals wedded for some 40,000 years
Recent studies suggest immunity gained through a previous infection can provide formidable protection against Delta
Hello, I am an American of Mexican descent and I am here to tell you that the attempt to normalize the word “Latinx” is really stupid and you should stop using it right now. For the maj…
Politico thought it broke a major story this week, claiming it confirmed the authenticity of emails found on Hunter Biden's laptop.
Now is the autumn of their discontent.
It’s SpaceX vs. Boeing, and so far, the private sector is outpacing the government-backed aerospace behemoth.
Anyone with an interest in the truth knew that no one was whipped in Del Rio almost immediately after this became a trending topic.