New reporting from CNN, of all places, sheds light on how the crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas, got out of hand so quickly, and it looks
Multiple lawmakers from both parties "angrily stormed out" of a classified briefing on Afghanistan this week after Biden administration officials failed to answer simple questions about its ongoing evacuation efforts, CNN reported. Citing three anonymous sources, the network said that both Republica...
Mary Margaret Olohan The federal government has “no authority” to tell Americans “what they can or cannot believe” when it comes to religious exemptions
The U.S. government should not use FISA warrants to surveil Americans but should obey the Constitution, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Tuesday.
Fox News contributor Karl Rove knocked Biden over his new Gallup poll numbers, which showed the president dropping to a new personal record-low approval rating of 43%.
Senate Republicans will not vote to raise the debt limit at this time because of Democrat plans to ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly removed language in its guidance for schools that suggested how administrators could choose to roll back COVID-19 protocols.
Mastercard is part of a larger effort to introduce social credit scoring under the guise of ESG concerns. Bitcoin fixes this.
President Biden’s vaccine mandates for the private sector, healthcare workers, and federal employees are proving to be particularly unpopular for a key Democratic constituency: black voters.According to a new Morning
Not just anyone can call up the FBI general counsel with claims of conspiratorial criminality by a presidential candidate and get a private sit-down. Yet that is exactly what happened.
Problems with education bespeak civilizational ones, of which the phenomenon of Davos Man is but one manifestation.
Some of the most prominent critics of the last decade's sprawling Russiagate news coverage are sharpening their knives after the indictment of a Democratic lawyer for allegedly lying to the FBI about a possible Donald Trump-Russia link in 2016.
By: Caroline Machiraju HARRISBURG, Pa. – Most children shrug off the Covid virus with little more than sniffles. Some may have a sore throat, some a mild fever that fades after a day and, yes…
It’s time for Americans to stop living in suspicion of our fellow citizens and to remember that there is no spike more powerful than the spiking the ball.
CVS promises “swift action against non-inclusive behaviors”—but that inclusivity stops at the payroll department.
WWE pokes fun at the woke left with new wrestler Joe Gacy who believes the ring is a "safe space" and that he does not need to use his "male privilege."
An Ohio high school went into lockdown Wednesday morning after brawls involving about 100 students broke out, the Daily Mail reported. Pepper spray, according to the outlet, was used to separate groups that were fighting as police soon arrived on the scene to put a stop to the violence. The ...
The Congressman asking that question isn’t getting a response.
Stripping funding for Iron Dome only makes sense if the goal is to help Hamas become more efficient at killing civilians.
Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul remained adamant that healthcare workers get vaccinated by Sept. 27 in the stare or be replaced.
Pro-Israel Democrats are pushing back after far-left members of the party successfully pushed to have $1 billion in funding for the Iron Dome missile defense system stripped from a spending bill last week.
President Biden's Special Envoy for Haiti Ambassador Daniel Foote resigned Thursday, saying he will not take part in the United States’ "inhumane, counterproductive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees."
The number of Americans applying for unemployment aid rose last week for a second straight week to 351,000, a sign that the delta variant may be disrupting the job market’s recovery
Little girl 18 days without family beats corona
The charges facing both men are not related to each other.