WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Democratic Party stands for one thing and one thing only: the destruction of America and all it stands for. But some older Democrats don’t like the wasteful direction the party is currently going, citing such bills as the $3.5 trillion infrastructure deal. One such Democrat is outspoken former Senator Felton Carmichael, who rem ...
State transportation officials know more about what projects need to be completed than members of Congress do.
The House voted Sept. 21 to pass a bill that would avert a government shutdown and fund it through Dec. 3, and suspend the debt limit until Dec. 16, 2022.
In a worrying trend for free speech on college campuses, a growing number of students are expressing support for shouting down a campus speaker they disagree with, or even using violence to stop a speaker, a new survey finds. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a nonprofit grou...
Two men found with a car full of Kentucky Fried Chicken and around $70,000 in cash were arrested as they tried entering New Zealand's largest city, in violation of its tough COVID-19 lockdown measures.
The 20-year-old victim had asked the 49-year-old perpetrator to wear a mask while buying beer

Opinion | Abolish the FBI

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

How much more do we need to learn about 2016 to realize the agency is a disaster?
It marked first time military aid to Israel had been held up over objections from members of US Congress and revealed divisions in the party
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Members of The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) voted this week to make major changes to the Hippocratic Oath for the first time since the 1960’s. Specifically, the Oath for new doctors is being adjusted to exclude both the unborn and the unvaccinated. 'The changes we’re making to the Oath are l ...
Schools in recent years have periodically been the centers of controversy over the practice of prayer in public, specifically whether or not, and to what extent, school authorities may take part in such displays of faith.
Despite what the media and politicians have said, that isn't how this works.
President Joe Biden declined to call on U.S. reporters in contrast to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling on reporters from the United Kingdom.
The federal government has already spent an astounding $42,000+ per federal taxpayer on ostensibly-COVID-related relief and spending programs. (Did you see
The FAA on Tuesday asked airlines to step up their efforts in curbing an ongoing rise in reported incidents involving unruly passengers.
A group of firebrand House Republicans said Tuesday that they will oppose the annual defense policy bill because it fails to hold President Biden accountable for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.
A poll worker was removed while working at a West Hollywood voting site due to the political messages that were on his clothing. The worker was seen in a Twitter post wearing a “Trump 2020” hat and…
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Modern American politics can be difficult. But Vice President Kamala Harris may have found a way to get around all that: Being so unlikeable that no one will notice she never got around to fixing the border President Biden placed her in charge of.Surveys asking the average American if they like Kamala Harris have found answers ranging fr ...
It's insane that we are on day two of this nonsense.