The Arizona State Senate announced that they will release the long-awaited results of the forensic audit for Maricopa County and their 2020 presidential election results. Senate President Karen Fann said…
A Los Angeles parent is sounding the alarm over posters displayed inside a high school classroom that say, "F*** Amerikkka," and claim that law enforcement’s primary purpose is to "militarily enforce White supremacist capitalism."
The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped global carbon emissions even after many countries imposed lockdowns, the United Nations said on Thursday.
China has been condemned for harvesting organs for profit. But it turns out that Beijing has nothing on our federal government. ...
Political class rallies behind making the infrequently used recall mechanism more difficult to deploy
FIRST ON FOX: A conservative, small business advocacy group is preparing to sue the Biden administration over its coronavirus vaccine requirement for all employers with more than 100 workers.
A video shared on social media purportedly shows a confrontation between a restaurant patron and staff because of vaccine mandate.
Order issued after 17 health professionals claimed in a lawsuit that their rights were violated with a vaccine mandate that disallowed the exemptions.
As the Taliban establishes Islamic rule, beheadings will become the Sharia-sanctioned punishment for non-believers and those regarded as the enemies of Islam.
Though the Durham report has been moving at the speed of evolution, it appears things are starting to happen. Special counsel John Durham is expected to indict Clinton-connected lawyer Michael Sussman...
The top U.S. general on the ground in Afghanistan told top Pentagon officials that he opposed the total withdrawal of troops before President Biden made the final decision.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shut down six ports of entry with Mexico amid a surge of illegal immigrants ...
A former British counterterrorism official has warned that the British woman who joined ISIS as a teenager should be treated as a terrorist should she return home. 
Wednesday night a Miami federal judge handed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a victory when he ruled against parents of students with disabilities in a lawsuit.
Dozens of students at the University of Florida said the U.S. Constitution should be abolished, and even signed a petition to do away with it.
The Biden administration is set to give the Taliban $64 million in supposed humanitarian aid. Yet a group of Republican lawmakers seeks to learn if the
A federal judge ordered the Biden administration to stop turning back families who enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico seeking asylum, under a public-health policy implemented during the Trump administration.
The ammonia produced in cow waste does not directly contribute to climate change, but when it leaches into the soil, microbes convert it into nitrous oxide, the third-most important greenhouse gas.
Breakthrough deaths see 87 count jump since July’s end; but official “cumulative” analysis hides it.
LOS ANGELES, CA - One day after Governor Newsom fended off recall and secured the continuation of his reign, swarms of Californians descended upon Los Angeles International Airport desperate to escape. As planes filled and people began getting turned away, mothers attempted to pass their babies over the fence of the tarmac, and others clung to the la ...
It was Trump Derangement Syndrome, not Trump, that posed the greatest threat to the country. We're finding out how big a threat now.
The majority of the cases are being brought under the Energy Charter Treaty, and are being hosted within the International Centre for The Settlement of Investment Disputes, a branch of the World Bank.
Trump called McConnell a 'disaster,' said George W. Bush was one of the 'worst presidents in history,' and riffed on who exactly is running the White House.
The ADL’s apology for its past opposition to a Ground Zero mosque showed how the anniversary was used to change the narrative to a myth about prejudice.