Republican members of Congress and state governors responded to news Thursday that President Joe Biden will force employers with more than 100 workers to require coronavirus vaccinations or test employees weekly.
President Joe Biden announced new vaccine mandates during a cantankerous speech on Thursday. Such mandates are chilling, especially when the president claimed that "this is not about freedom or personal
Florida passed a law with similar goals earlier this year.

Telling the Truth About Stalin

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Replacing the Nazi government with a civilized one rather than handing over half of Europe to Soviet butchers should have been our aim in WWII

Biden’s ‘America last’ agenda

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Twenty years after 9/11, a plague from China rampages across our homeland. To date, COVID-19 has killed over 230 times more Americans than did those terrorist attacks.
President Joe Biden said passengers who refuse to wear face masks on airplanes and in airports will face steeper fines, part of a set of sweeping mandates...
His heroism on 9/11 drew from a lifetime of faith and character.
President Biden on Thursday mandated COVID-19 vaccines for about 100 million US workers, but the more than 600,000 US Postal Service employees reportedly won’t have to get a shot.
President Joe Biden condemned Republican governors who are not enforcing his administration's COVID-19 plan and threatened to resist them with his presidential powers.
Without double standards, would the U.S. media have any standards at all?
If you're not pissed off yet, you should be -- or maybe you're a boot licker who loves to be dominated by anything and everything. Former Vice President Joe Biden dictated on Thursday evening that his regime is mandating the Chinese coronavirus vaccine for every employee of every business that employs more than 100 people, among other "requirements." Biden spoke down to Americans today in a fashion more reminiscent of a dictator talking down to peasants than a president who is employed by the people.  Simply put, IT'S PAST TIME TO FIRE JOE BIDEN AND HIS ENTIRE REGIME. It's not just because of his edicts that he proclaimed from his fortress on Pennsylvania Avenue. Since taking office, Biden has opened our border with Mexico to anyone and everyone from all over the world that doesn't care about doing things in a legal way, including the Biden regime themselves. Think invasion. He has our economy on a razor's edge. Don't let the level of the stock market fool you. Inflation is at it's highest level in decades. Biden's actions, or lack thereof, in the withdrawal of U.S. forces in Afghanistan left not only blood on his hands after trusting the Taliban to secure the withdrawal -- resulting in the death of 13 U.S. Marines, as well as dozens of civilians -- but also Americans and Afghan allies behind. Not to mention, we basically supplied the Taliban -- and in turn their new partner, China -- with billions of dollars worth of U.S. military equipment, weapons and technology. On top of all that, our vice president is practically non-existent -- unless she's campaigning for other authoritarians who have been so poor at their job they're on the verge of being recalled. The edicts he leveled on the American people on Thursday should be grounds for his removal alone. This has predictably left countless throngs of Americans angered and has resulted in their open call for resistance to the current regime. (Note: I use screenshots of tweets, so there's always a receipt.)   And those tweets were just the tip of the very large iceberg the Biden ship is heading straight for. I understand the establishment elite will do whatever it is they can in order to maintain the power, money, prestige and lifestyle they so desperately cling to, but it's time to say enough is enough and simply tell these people no. What will it take for them to get it through their thick skulls that the people are in charge? For that matter, what will it take for the people to get it through their gelatinous brains that they are the boss of the people they worship? Folks, if you're not already, get mad. Get damn good and mad and tell these parasites feeding off the rest of us NO MORE!
Plus: 9/11's domestic law enforcement legacy, America still behind on COVID-19 rapid testing, and more...
The Republican National Committee will sue President Joe Biden for his vaccine mandate when it goes into effect, GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced.
Republican Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota said that she would file a lawsuit against President Joe Biden's newly announced federal vaccination mandate. Biden announced Thursday that he would order companies with more than 100 workers to be vaccinated or submit to weekly coronavirus testing. Th...
We believe premature mandates won’t work. In fact, they could backfire spectacularly.
President Biden is implementing a six-pronged, comprehensive national strategy that employs the same science-based approach that was used to successfully combat previous variants of COVID-19 earlier this year. This plan will ensure that we are using every available tool to combat COVID-19 and save even more lives in the months ahead, while also keeping schools…
Andrew Kerr  U.S. and Chinese researchers funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created viruses in a Wuhan lab that
Khalil Nelson, 19, is the latest to be charged. He faces two counts of capital murder and one count of aggravated robbery.
WASHINGTON (AP) — In his most forceful pandemic actions and words, President Joe Biden on Thursday announced sweeping new federal vaccine requirements affecting as many as 100 million Americans in an all-out effort to increase COVID-19 vaccinations and curb the surging delta variant.
Powerful people are going to a lot of effort to protect Dr. Anthony Fauci’s reputation, despite mounting evidence of his role in funding dangerous research.
Mary Margaret Olohan  The baby at the heart of the monumental abortion case Roe v. Wade was not aborted — she was born before the Supreme Court’s final
Everything is hunky-spunky in Los Angeles – the City of Angels, La-La Land, just an all-around swell place to live:
The Wall Street Journal said that the Justice Department could file a lawsuit as soon as Thursday, though it may be pushed back.
President Joe Biden on Thursday announced sweeping new federal vaccine requirements affecting as many as 100 million Americans in an all-out effort to increase COVID-19 vaccinations and curb the su…
Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed concern Wednesday that the newly-formed Taliban cabinet in Afghanistan is not diverse enough.