Allow me to introduce myself. I’m The Obstinate Grandmother. I’m opinionated, armed to the teeth, and subtle as a 2 x 4 upside your head if you insist on
Charitable groups in South Florida have raised millions of dollars to help the victims of the Champlain Towers South collapse in Surfside. Florida’s
It’s hard to say just how many Americans were left behind in Afghanistan by Joe Biden. The White House claims 100-200, while one U.S. official estimated over 5,000....
Thousands of French citizens demonstrated in several cities Saturday against the COVID-19 health pass that is now required to access most public places, including restaurants, cafes, sports stadiums, and gyms.
Health officials have advised the White House that regulators need more time to review necessary data before approving a COVID-19 booster shot plan. 
"I feel confident that in an emergency that the women of this country would step up and volunteer as needed," Hartzler said. "It seems like this is a solution
“When the suicide bombing happened, you just see this river of blood, and I mean, you just can’t, not everybody has the stomach for it even after 45 years of war."
A coalition of Oregon police officers and firefighters have sued Gov. Kate Brown over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for state employees.
America; it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.  The sheer stupidity of this administration's fo
President Joe Biden did about as much wrong as he possibly could in his calamitous effort to secure the claim as the president who ended America’s longest
A pregnant woman named Nasria, a California native, flew to Afghanistan in June to visit family and get married. As of early September, she remained one of the estimated 100 to 200 Americans left behind in the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. forces, according to a report. 
Keep it up!: https://twitter.com/iarnsdorf/status/1433404798649393160Merch: https://styxhexenhammer666.myshopify.comSupport via donation:Patreon: https://tin...
Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who went viral last month after criticizing top military commanders over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, said this week he could be facing a court-martial and jail time.The claim came days after Scheller, who was "relieved for cause" one day after publishing the ...
A newly released survey shows Republicans are better informed than Democrats on several key climate issues.
It is the beginning of a never-ending bad dream. President Joe Biden and the Pentagon have managed to birth a new terrorist haven, destroy much of U.S. strategic deterrence, and alienate our allies and much of the country.
Satanists say abortion rituals are sacred rites and need to be protected.
U.S. lawmakers are moving closer to awarding a congressional gold medal to the 13 troops killed in the terrorist attack in Kabul last month. A measure
In Florida, businesses, schools and government agencies requiring proof of coronavirus vaccine as condition of entry will be fined $5,000, beginning September 16. The liberty leanings of Sunshine State Republicans are proving a much-needed light among the COVID-19 darkness.
A host on liberal network MSNBC took aim at Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett on Saturday, following the court’s recent decision not to block the new Texas abortion law.
Neighbors gathered late Friday to light candles and lay flowers for a mother and son from Queens who lost their lives in Ida’s fury. “Nothing could prepare you for this… we’ve been living here for so many years, [we] never expected this,” one Hollis woman said. The 43-year-old woman and her 22-year-old son died in an illegally converted basement unit,…
The US military is building “eight small cities” to house tens of thousands of Afghanistan evacuees at bases across the country.
The most recent investigations concluded that Bill Gates, as one of the founders and investors, has an agreement with Moderna, that grants him the licence to their COVID vaccines. It’s shocking since the same investigation shows that the shot was produced just a few weeks before the virus emerged! Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel …
By Thomas R. Cuba, Ph.D. I almost titled this as an open letter to Republicans, but there are conservatives in other parties too (even Democrats),
Given President Joe Biden’s chaotic pullout from Afghanistan, it should not be surprising that U.S. officials had no idea exactly who was on those planes.
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - According to an Instagram message released by The Raid Team Co, there was at least some sort of a count down before the suicide