Women's tennis legend Martina Navratilova took to Twitter to defend her appalling joy over the COVID death of a conservative talk radio host.
Nation-building in Afghanistan was a fool's errand but one that many in Washington committed to around the world. It hasn't worked.
Here are the heroic service members that made the ultimate sacrifice:
A group of highly trained US military veterans have been conducting secret rescue missions behind the Biden State Department’s back, rescuing hundreds of Afghan allies from Afghanistan with their heroic efforts. This from thegatewaypundit.com. Furious over
Kids commit to handwashing and develop a strong connection to Instacart. Masks remain a work in progress.
Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd admitted to NBC News last night that he shot Ashli Babbitt on January 6th. We analyzed the video footage of the Babbitt sho...
'You are the epitome of worthless leadership,' one user told Sergeant Major Michael Grinston for his tone deaf tweet on Women's Equality Day
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a star in conservative media, slams popular right-wing blogger for 'horrible misogyny'
House Republicans on Friday introduced articles of impeachment against Secretary of State Antony Blinken for “high crimes and misdemeanors” leading up to the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
An anonymous donor is paying for the funerals of all 20 people who died in the tragic flooding that took place last week in Tennessee. At least two of the victims were 7-month-old twins who were torn away from their parents' arms in the devastating flash floods. What are the details? The New Y...
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion Yesterday was one of the worst days in American history. It was the day a rag-tag bunch of terrorists in Afghanistan killed 12 US military members and killed or injured an untold number of people desperately waiting outside the airport to escape the new Islamic...
The order will not immediately affect policy in Sarasota or Manatee county schools
The Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a "f---g disaster" of "epic proportions," according to Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass.
"Secretary Blinken has failed to faithfully uphold his oath and has instead presided over a reckless abandonment of our nation’s interests, security, and values in his role in the withdrawal of American forces and diplomatic assets from Afghanistan," read the articles.
The identities of the 13 US service members who were killed by an ISIS-K suicide bomber outside the Kabul airport while helping to oversee the evacuation of thousands of Americans and Afghan allies…
Joe Biden asked America how many of us “have an empty chair” at home because of loved ones who have lost their lives to coronavirus.
The weeklong secret operation dubbed “Pineapple Express” has been carried out by a group of special ops veterans including retired Green Berets and SEAL Team commanders, they told ABC N…
Andrew Trunsky  Rep. Peter Meijer, who flew to Kabul this week and saw where 13 Americans and scores of Afghans would later lose their lives, described
Jennifer Bridges knew what was coming when her director at Houston Methodist hospital called her up in June to inquire about her vaccination status.Bridges, a 39-year-old registered nurse, responded "absolutely not" when asked if she was vaccinated or had made an effort to get vaccinated. She was terminated on the spot.
This week, as President Joe Biden attempted desperately to distract from his ongoing surrender in Afghanistan and the attendant chaos in its wake, the White House turned its eyes once again to the issue of COVID-19. On Monday, Biden pressed private industry to mandate vaccination, stating,
Officials must draw up plans, despite the lack of scientific studies with solid answers.

Biden’s impeachable offense

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

As of Thursday, the U.S. had evacuated more than 100,000 people from Afghanistan. Less than 5% were American citizens.
U.S. - In a breaking news report, we have learned that something really tragic has just happened. We're not sure what it is, but Kamala Harris was just seen laughing hysterically, so we're going to go ahead and assume it was something extremely tragic that would cause most non-sociopaths to grow somber and weep. But for Harris, stuff like this just ...
U.S. - Many parents are concerned that their kids could grow up to be poorly adjusted socially. The kind of school a kid goes to of course can have a massive impact on their socialization and how well-adjusted they are when they enter adulthood. So, to prevent their kids from being total weirdos who don't know how to relate to another human being and a ...
Democrats are lashing out at the Supreme Court for blocking President Biden's eviction moratorium.