Hold on a second: Is the Biden administration requiring evacuees of Taliban-controlled Kabul to... pay for their evacuation flights home?
Twice this week, as catastrophe unfolds in Afghanistan, Joe Biden has delivered remarks to the American people and the world, followed by him walking away from the podium without taking any questions....
A federal judge in Louisiana has issued a temporary restraining order preventing Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine from mandating COVID-19
Colorado Springs District 49 voted 3-2 to ban critical race theory (CRT) from its curriculum: Thursday night, nearly all of the public comments focused on a resolution to ban CRT in District 49. Parents opposing teaching CRIT claimed it would divide students. One parent who spoke claimed, "CRT i
On Wednesday the Biden state department issued a statement telling Americans in Afghanistan that they must get to Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul on their own to be processed and ev...
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis mocked politicians Wednesday for enforcing mask mandates in order to "cover their own a**es."
The war and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan cost taxpayers nearly $1 trillion, but the Biden administration has asked for more, even with plans to fully withdraw from the country this summer.
Kaylee Greenlee A federal trial court in Texas ruled against the Biden administration’s directives to catch and release some migrants on Thursday.
"What that means is it’s just expected to be there, kind of like the flu during flu season. I think people are hoping this will go away, but it’s not going to go away."
Journalists and their families are in grave danger in Afghanistan. The Taliban have no compunction about carrying out targeted killings as the case of a DW journalist shows.
Gavin Newsom Cheating In Recall Election With Votes Visible Through Envelope. People need to know that you need to turn around your ballot, so it's not notic...
A federal judge ruled against Democratic Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear's recent mask mandate Thursday, likening the order to "tyranny."
It's unclear if the president will answer press questions during his remarks Friday
As the U.S. military and State Department rush to evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies from Kabul’s airport, Taliban checkpoints are cutting off many from freedom and safety – and reports on the ground indicate the militants are summarily executing people who helped U.S. forces over the years.
It's a sharp increase, but no, they weren't committing tax fraud.
President Biden must authorize the U.S. military to expand the perimeter around the Kabul airport and save Americans who are, in effect, “hostages of the Taliban,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said in a blistering statement late Thursday.
Chinese state media admits China's blossoming ties with the Taliban are aimed at getting control of Afghanistan's mineral wealth.
On Thursday's broadcast of the Fox Business Network's "Fox Business Tonight," RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said the media are also responsible for the botched | Clips
A 38-day standoff in Texas over a GOP-backed election reform bill came to an end on Thursday when ...
Secretary of State Blinken was wrong about a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan being unlikely after the withdrawal of all foreign forces.
President Joe Biden will return to Delaware on Friday to resume his vacation, but first, he will deliver a speech about Afghanistan.
The Chinese Communist Party has joined the fun of trying to brainwash American children with Critical Race Theory. The China Global Television Network, a
Al-Qaeda in Yemen congratulated the Taliban on Wednesday for its successful takeover of Afghanistan earlier this week.
Three Senators, who all received the Chinese coronavirus vaccine, announced Thursday they tested positive for the virus.
A Texas judge has struck down Biden's "sanctuary country" orders that released into the U.S. countless criminal illegal aliens.