Donald Trump and Mike Pence have both issued blistering statements against the Biden administration as Afghanistan falls to the Taliban.
Poll: Larry Elder Surges To Lead In California Governor Race--GOP Voters More Motivated
Some HECK FIRE for you in video form
Joe Biden’s declaration that 'America is back' is looking very hollow today
The embassy acknowledged that the person would work in an 'extremely sensitive political environment' during an ongoing insurgency.
A Baltimore Police officer is criminally charged with failing to act when an an assault suspect he hadn’t secured kicked an unresponsive man in front of the officer, the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office announced Friday.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told reporters July 21 that Afghan forces were fully capable of defending Afghanistan.
Moving experts say they have not been able to keep pace with demand.
The U.S. Department of Education says COVID relief funds can be used to replace any lost state funding over Ron DeSantis' order against mask mandates.
The Taliban took control of the presidential palace in Kabul on Sunday and was expected to announce the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan after President Ashraf Ghani fled the capital city, according …
Mike Pompeo warned eight days ago that the U.S. must exit Afghanistan in a way that prevents its use as a staging ground for terrorists.
Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani has relinquished power to an interim government led by Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, according to the
President Joe Biden reportedly "overruled" top United States military commanders when he authorized the full withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan.What did Biden do?The Wall Street Journal reiterated Sunday that in ordering the full withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan, Biden...
We're in a bad way with these delusional people in charge...
A Taliban spokesman still has an active Twitter account, despite the platform's suspension of former President Donald Trump for “hateful” and “violent” content. The Taliban is actively moving to retake Afghanistan after U.S. withdrawal, with countless men, women, and children in danger for their lives.
"Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken Border, Crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world—DO YOU MISS ME YET?" he asked.
National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins is warning unvaccinated Americans to get their shots and for everyone to go back to wearing masks as coronavirus case numbers have skyrocketed over the past month.
       The Taliban are getting stronger, and former US President Donald Trump used this opportunity to attack the current president, Biden. “The tragedy in Afghanistan – a fully open border, crime at record...
The 'super-spreader-in-chief' is now suspected of having fueled a massive spike in cases...
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Sunday President Joe Biden is "to be commended" for "the actions he has taken" as the Taliban advances in Kabul.
A CBS News/YouGov poll shows 48% of likely voters favoring a recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and 52% opposed -- within the margin of error.
Jay Cutler retired from the NFL to embrace a new position: man of the people.
New Zealand's parliament took a portrait of Winston Churchill after Green lobbying. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's response? "I don't care." 