Sebastian Hughes President Joe Biden authorized about 5,000 troops to deploy to Afghanistan to ensure the safe evacuation of U.S. and allied personnel,
These hit jobs on DeSantis are about his prominence in the Republican Party, about 2024 or 2028 ... they have nothing to do with WuFlu, with masks, or with schools
Thanks for watching! Subscribe, so you don’t miss out on the news of the day. For the latest news, go to http://www.democrepublix.com. We cover the REAL news that m...
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Researchers in Japan have provided new evidence that the ballooning COVID-19 Lambda variant may be as contagious as Delta while evading vaccine efforts.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Wednesday he received a letter from the state's Department of Family and Protective ...
Allow me to introduce myself. I’m The Obstinate Grandmother. I’m opinionated, armed to the teeth, and subtle as a 2 x 4 upside your head if you insist on
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The Taliban on Saturday captured a large, heavily defended city in northern Afghanistan in a major setback for the government, and were approaching the capital of Kabul, less than three weeks before the U.S.
Cruz and other Republicans are urging Durbin 'to open an investigation and schedule hearings' on how Democrats sent COVID-positive seniors to nursing homes.
Federal authorities made more than 212,000 arrests at the border in July. By any measure, the border crisis is now an unmitigated humanitarian disaster.
By: Donald J. Trump Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues. Everyone knew he couldn’t handle the pressure. Even
Over the past several days, I have been in close contact with my national security team to give them direction on how to protect our interests and values as we end our military mission in Afghanistan. First, based on the recommendations of our diplomatic, military, and intelligence teams, I have authorized the deployment of approximately…
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fired back at Tucker Carlson late Friday after the Fox News host mocked her for recently saying that she feared she would be raped during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Tucker Carlson asks why the media and Democrats are gloating over a demographics change in the United States that leads to the "decline of a race." TUCKER CARLSON: It seems like just the other day that America's self-described moral leaders were denouncing us for pointing out the obvious. Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for political advantage, so rather than convince people to vote for them, that's called democracy, they're counting on brand-new voters. That's what we said on the show. Immediately after we said that, they became completely hysterical. They tried to pull us off the air. They said we were espousing something called "The Great Replacement" theory, a well-known racist fantasy. Right. In other words, shut up. And then this week, the new census numbers came out and here's what those show. The number, not the proportion, but the absolute number of Americans who describe themselves as white has dropped for the first time in our history since the census began back in 1890. The total decline is around 5 million people. That is huge... As leading Democrats put it again and again, who cares? Fewer white people in America is a great thing and we should celebrate... Did you hear that? "Her name is Susan Rice, she's one of us," meaning she's a Democrat? No, it means she's not white -- us, as the non-white people, cheering the extinction of white people. That was on television. Think about that for a minute. It's hard to think about it, actually, because it's that evil. And if you wanted to encourage permanent racial division, maybe even violence in America, that is exactly how you would talk on television. These people are completely out of control, they are dangerous and it's not just CNN analysts who are talking this way. By the way, there is no more divisive thing you could say on television. There is no way you could more quickly and more permanently wreck the country than to encourage people to gloat over the decline of a race. Seriously? Imagine any other race -- people talking like that, it's nuts.
Former CIA director and retired Army General David Petraeus called the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan “disastrous” and “catastrophic” for not only the U.S. but the world in a Saturday interview.
MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid compared the situation in Afghanistan to "The Handmaid's Tale," and claimed it was a cautionary tale for the United States.
Mike Lindell was obviously shaken, appearing on the 3rd and last day of his Cyber Symposium. Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: https://t.me/TheTrueDefender On this day, he was supposed to, as he promised, share inevitable evidence about the voter fraud that happened in the November 2020 elections. But he stated: “So, when I got …
Mixed messages from experts leave many parents confused with new school year approaching.
KABUL - Approximately twelve minutes after U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan, Taliban fighters have completely taken over the entire country.'Woah, that's a bummer,' said the Biden Administration's foreign policy team. 'We didn't see that one coming.' As the Taliban began its campaign of shooting and killing, a ...
President Joe Biden, who is on a scheduled vacation at Camp David, issued a statement Saturday afternoon regarding the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Biden announced he would deploy 5,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan to evacuate personnel as the Taliban marches towards Kabul. "Over our count...
A federal judge on Friday said the Biden administration must resume a policy that sees asylum seekers wait ...
Protests ignited Friday at the Washington State capitol building over a forced vaccine mandate for local healthcare systems.
CNN this week cited reports of multiple Broward County teachers dying of the coronavirus and attempted to tie it to bans on mask mandates.
Over the past several weeks, I’ve written more articles than I can reasonably remember on the ongoing battle between the left and Florida, including their governor, Ron DeSantis. As the media narrative goes, Florida has been uniquely terrible combating the Delta variant, despite the fact that 93% of seniors in the state have had at least one dose of the vaccine. […]