Authorities say the deployment is needed, but critics argue it will "pick on" marginalised groups.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that a sweeping, multitrillion-dollar spending bill that Democrats are aiming to pass without any Republican support should also tackle immigration reform.
A COVID-19 outbreak in a Massachusetts county in July primarily occurred among vaccinated people, sparking fears that a ...
If you care about the battle over critical race theory in the schools, you need to know about Bettina Love.
Andrew Trunsky House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office would not say whether the House planned to take up a bipartisan bill that would declassify any
Think of what we laughed at 50 years ago that is now such hard dogma that having a heterodox view can lead to losing your job.
This is not a social media platform enforcing policies, this is an arm of the Democrat party and a servant of Joe Biden
Well, that didn't take long.
Cuomo really needs to delete his account.
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis isn't taking the push for additional Wuhan coronavirus restrictions and mandates sitting down. Criticizing recent mandates as "a movement to impose more restrictions on the
We’ve heard it’s the Republicans who are at fault for the return of the mask mandates and the spreading of the Delta variant. Well, liberals are saying that of course.
Establishment media outlet CNN is warning Americans that it is "about to get much harder not to be vaccinated."
President Biden on Friday was photographed reading a hand-written note from an aide telling him there is "something" on his chin.
A Georgia mother is fighting back against the mask mandate in her children’s school and argued she is not willing to compromise anymore.
The far-left thrives when people are frightened and unsure of the future.
On Friday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe kept pushing left-wing hysteria about Republican voting reform laws in states across the country and cheering on the scheme by Democrats to have the federal government take over elections nationwide. One pundit even went so far as to vilely compare legislation by GOP lawmakers in various states to the brutal 1955 murder of black teenager Emmett Till.   
Elina Kaplan, a registered Democrat, joined "America’s Newsroom" to share her concern after reading the California Ethnic Studies model curriculum and feeling a sense of familiarity from before she emigrated from the former Soviet Union at 11 years old.
On the congresswoman’s diversionary tactic against her critics.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis was joined by Florida parents, students, elected officials, and community leaders as he called for a stop to school mask
The pandemic has been a vehicle to control and manipulate, and our ‘leaders’ are ‘unwilling to relinquish their newfound power.’
The impacts of human-caused climate change are especially pronounced in the Arctic, which is warming three times faster than the global average.
The home was abandoned after the September 11 attacks. “Ready for redoing, owner has not been here for over 20 years,” the listing states. 
Some joker(s) vandalized a LeBron James mural in Akron, Ohio, James' hometown!
TOKYO - Members of the International Olympic Committee voted Thursday to award Simone Biles the first-ever Olympic Non-Participation Trophy for her decision to pull out of this week's gymnastics competition. 'It takes a great deal of courage and dedication to participate in the Olympics,' a spokesman for the IOC said. 'Howev ...
The conservative House Freedom Caucus wants Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) penalized for cozying up to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her January 6 commission. Members of the caucus gathered for a press conference Thursday to announce their effort to take the two lawmakers out of the House GOP conference.