The National Police Association on Wednesday slammed Congress’ investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a politically motivated “dog and pony show” that has no intention of uncovering the truth of what really happened that day.
President Biden had a “Rick Perry moment” while making remarks at a Pennsylvania truck factory, claiming he had sought the presidency for three reasons — before only naming two.
Because adults can't evaluate risk, kids continue to suffer the most from COVID policy, despite suffering the least from COVID.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has threatened Wednesday to tank the $3.5 trillion reconciliation infrastructure package.
Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy raged on the House floor Wednesday over Congress's focus on mask mandates while ignoring the illegal immigration crisis on the Southern border: REP. CHIP ROY: What we're seeing on the border is an absolute travesty, and yet my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are going to do nothing about that today, even as we see people coming across the border who are testing positive for COVID. We have a hotel in La Hoya, Texas that is literally filled right now with individuals who are heavily testing positive for COVID... We have a crisis at our border and we are playing footsie with mask mandates in the people's house. It's absolutely absurd what this body is doing, the people's house. It's an embarrassment, a mockery, and the American people are fed up. They want to go back to life. They want to go back to business. They want to go back to school without their children being forced to wear masks, to be put in the corner, to have mental health issues. And we're running around here and the Speaker comes down here at 10:00 in the morning saying we gotta wear masks in the people's house? While we have thousands of people pouring across our border and Democrats don't do a darn thing about it, heavily infected with COVID... We are absolutely sick and tired of it and so are the American people. This sham of an institution is doing nothing for the American people, nothing for the betterment of the people that send their representatives here. I just met this morning with an organization that tries to take care of people from human trafficking, met with an elected official from Mexico, while cartels are raping and pillaging and killing. And we have people infected with COVID coming through our southern border into Texas and you all put masks, masks up front here, here in the people's house? We can't come to the floor, I can't execute my Constitutional duty unless I wea r amask. Which is it, vaccines or mask? Do the vaccines work or don't work? Do the masks work or don't work? I'd like Fauci to come down here and answer a single question about natural immunity. Or are they just going to go around poking people saying you must take a vaccine, but oops the vaccine doesn't work, you must wear a mask... This institution is a sham and we should adjourn and shut this place down.
poll out Wednesday shows Americans think Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) more exemplifies the Republican Party than Rep. Liz Cheney (WY).
An Atlanta restaurant instituted a new rule that if you’re not vaccinated, you won’t be served after several staff members and a co-owner got infected.
This ought to show the folly of suppressing the speech of people who happen to have different views about medical science.

Polling CRT

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

New data reveals critical race theory's deep unpopularity.
Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey announced on Friday that more than 1,000 individuals throughout the safe have tested positive for the coronavirus after being fully vaccinated.
Second Amendment Sanctuaries outnumber illegal immigrant sanctuaries by nearly 4 to 1. We've done more in 2 years than they've done in 40.
Unvaccinated Americans are being shamed by celebrities, pundits, and politicians for making individual choices
LOVE IT: “There’s no turning back for us now. The pandemic has been a blessing — an opportunity to take ownership of our children’s education.”
NBC News anchor Chuck Todd dismissed the notion that there is a liberal bias in the media as a Republican talking point that has been repeated so many times that the left now believes it – but he wishes his mainstream media colleagues fought back to combat the theory. 
FOX 2 Detroit spoke with a number of officers about what happened and it is not sitting well with them. The two officers in question are off the street. The men involved in that shooting are still at large. Facebook Comments
Fort Worth, TX – A gunman who opened fire on a crowd of people on the southwest side of Fort Worth early Monday morning is dead after bystanders stoned him to death with gardening stones. The incident occurred at about 12:50 a.m. on July 26 in the 5600-block of Shiloh Drive, near Bryant Irvin Road […]
The U.S. Coast Guard announced the return of 27 Cuban refugees to the communist country on Tuesday, caught attempting to navigate to Florida.
Biden is at it again.
Ed Buck was convicted by a jury for providing methamphetamine to two black men for sexual favors, who later overdosed and died.
Frankly, I stopped listening to the CDC about 399 days ago, but for those interested:
Pfizer Inc on Wednesday raised its full-year sales forecast for the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with Germany's BioNTech by 29 per cent to US$33.5 billion, as nations stock up on doses for the rest of the year.

Opinion | Joe Biden Is Sinking

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

How long will the president’s old pals, the moderate Democrats, hang on for the descent?
President Joe Biden confused former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump in a Tuesday speech, blaming his gaffe on a "Freudian slip."
The Border Patrol has released about 50,000 illegal immigrants into the United States without giving them a date to appear in court.
We have to be careful when writing about the Democrat's bipartisan January 6 select committee lest we risk "downplaying" what happened that day.