American gymnastics superstar Simone Biles is abandoning the defence of her individual all-around Olympic crown to focus on...
Steven Hall Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday that the “voluntary phase is over” for COVID-19 vaccinations, the New York City Democrat told MSNBC Tuesday.
TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: (AUDIO GAP) ... today on Capitol Hill. We did. Pretty amazing. We'll get to that in just a minute. But first tonight, strong regimes are a lot like strong people. They are self-confident and because they are, they're rational and moderate. They can afford to be those things. They have unquestioned legitimacy. Admitting honest mistakes does not threaten them. Why would it? They can tell the truth without fear. Strong regimes are marked by cheerfulness and an open-minded spirit. You know them when you see them. They are easy to recognize. Weakness has the opposite effect. Weak leaders live in terror. They lie constantly. They admit nothing. They rule by force because they have no choice, they have lost their legitimacy. When they begin to lose control, as they inevitably do, they panic. Unable to acknowledge the magnitude of their failure, they retreat into delusion and their behavior becomes irrational. They start issuing bizarre commands. Nikolai Chaushesku barked orders at his guards as they dragged him into the courtyard to be shot. In his final moments, Chaushesku seemed convinced he could make his executioners obey. As his power evaporated, he tried even harder to exert it. So in that way, every collapsing regime is the same, and with that in mind, we learned today that in the face of the waning pandemic, the Biden administration will dramatically increase COVID restrictions across the country. Millions of children will now be required to cover their faces in schools, this despite the scientifically established fact that masks pose a far greater threat to children than COVID does. So, strictly speaking as a scientific matter, this is lunacy. But there's more. According to an announcement by the C.D.C. this afternoon, the administration will force masks on adults as well, including people who've already been vaccinated. Pause to consider this for a moment. Americans were promised that if they took the vaccines, they could have their lives back. So by the millions they did that. Now, they have learned in the clearest possible way that they were lied to. They got their shots, but the Biden administration has decided to continue to control what they wear, where they go, and who they talk to. Why are they doing that? What's happening here exactly? Well, a rational person might conclude there must be something wrong with the vaccines. Maybe they don't work very well. But no, that's not it. The administration assures us that the vaccines work perfectly. They are miracle drugs. All right, so why the masks? Peter Doocy of FOX News asked that question in the White House briefing today. Here's how the Biden administration's owned Baghdad Bob responded to him. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: And if it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated still, then why do vaccinated people need to put the masks back on? JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, Peter first of all, I would say again just to go back to this chart which I will handily point to again -- DOOCY: Overwhelming -- PSAKI: If you were vaccinated -- if you were vaccinated, your life -- it can save your life, and I think the clear data shows that this pandemic is killing, is hospitalizing, is making people very sick who are not vaccinated. That could still continue to be the case regardless of what the mask guidance looks like. DOOCY: But the vaccines work, which this sign says that they do. Then why do people who have had the vaccine need to now wear masks the same as people who have not had it? PSAKI: Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination based on data that that is a way to make sure they are protected, their loved ones are protected, and that's an extra step given the transmissibility of the virus. (END VIDEO CLIP) CARLSON: So the vaccines work, the only people getting sick are the unvaccinated, but the vaccinated still have to wear masks. Why is that? Well, you just heard the answer, quote: "Public health leaders in our administration have made the determination." In other words, because we said so. That's the medical justification for suffocating your third grader with a paper mask forever. Public health leaders in the administration have made that determination. So they issued the rule without explaining it. You then obey it. If you ask questions, CNN calls you a murderer. That's how our government works. Watching that exchange, you realize that every moment in time is just a point on a continuum and that's worth remembering now. It's easy to assume that because all this is happening live at the White House, it's the way that things are and will always be. But in fact, a moment this absurd cannot last for long. It's just too irrational. The people making decisions are too discredited. They are too transparently unwise. What you're watching is a decaying system based on presumed expertise finally reach its ugly end stage. At some point, it will be gone because it has no legitimacy, and whatever comes next will be very different from what we're living through now. That's sad to think about and it's scary, though there is the hope of improvement, which we should all pray for. But in the meantime, we live with the growing certainty that crazy people are running our country. If we had sane leaders, they would acknowledge the science, which is clear. Millions of Americans who've already recovered from COVID don't need the COVID vaccine, they have natural immunity to the virus; nor are people who have been vaccinated at meaningful risk from people who have not been vaccinated despite the endless hysteria claiming otherwise. A big study this month in "The New England Journal of Medicine" showed that COVID vaccines offer a higher level of protection against even the new delta variant of the virus, so that's the science of it. If you're vaccinated, you are protected just as they claim. So a rational public health policy would look entirely different from the one the Biden administration is now embarking on. A rational administration would make vaccines available to anyone who wants one and leave the rest of the population alone to live their lives, like they used to do in America back when it was a free country. But again, that is not what the Biden administration is doing because there is no political advantage in a rational policy like that. Instead, the administration has decided to use this virus to cement its control of the country. Democrats rode COVID to victory last November through fear and blame and brand new methods of voting, and they plan to keep power through next year's midterm in the very same way, by dividing Americans against one another, vaccinated versus unvaccinated. As a political strategy, this makes sense. Every moment television anchors are yelling at rural conservatives for not believing in science, the rest of us are not talking about how the permanent establishment in Washington funded reckless and ghoulish experiments that allowed the Chinese military to create the virus in the first place. So, it's a very clever strategy, but it's also incredibly ugly. Last week, a black man in his thirties died from COVID in California. The media soon discovered that the man was an avid Christian and once questioned vaccines in a social media post, so immediately they gloated over his death. He deserved it. That was the theme of countless news stories that ran in papers around the world. But hold on a second, since when do we treat death and disease this way? Do MSNBC anchors attack people with syphilis or AIDS on the grounds they've been sexually promiscuous and therefore deserve it? When someone dies of hepatitis C, does CNN editorialize about the evils of intravenous drug use? Do reporters attack Native Americans for dying of cirrhosis at a higher rate? Of course not. They don't do it because there's no political advantage in doing that. But there is a huge potential political advantage in claiming that only Republicans question vaccines and the pandemic is their fault, so that's what they say day and night. Conservatives are the reason people are dying. This was CNN yesterday morning -- rather MSNBC. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DR. PETER HOTEZ, DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE: This is months and months of anti-science, anti-vaccine aggression coming from the far right elements of the Republican Party, and you saw it play out at the CPAC Conference where they said this is nothing more than an effort for power and control and they're going to use -- first, they're going to force vaccines on us and they're going to take away our Bibles and our guns. And all of that disinformation, meaning deliberate misinformation came out of CPAC, the conservative news outlets -- (END VIDEO CLIP) CARLSON: Far-right elements of the Republican Party. Consider the cost of rhetoric like that. If you wanted Americans to believe their physicians and if you cared about the country, you would want that. You want physicians to be believable. You probably wouldn't put a porky little partisan like that guy on television with an MD after his name. Dr. Hotez does not inspire confidence in our medical establishment. He destroys confidence, because he is lying. He is doing it openly and because he can't control himself, he is gratuitously attacking Christians as he does it. Only right-wing religious nuts with their Bibles worry about vaccine mandates? That's what he told MSNBC viewers. It's crazy. It's a conspiracy theory. But that's not true. America is in fact getting vaccine mandates. We're not making that up. It's a fact. On Thursday, the President of the United States will announce that all Federal employees will be required to get the vaccine, regardless of whether or not they have active antibodies to COVID. That is not a small development. The Federal government is the largest workforce in the world. It employs close to three million people, so an awful lot of lives will be affected by this policy. What's interesting is that back in December, which wasn't that long ago, Joe Biden assured us that nothing like this would ever happen. I won't demand mandatory vaccines or masks, Joe Biden said. Now, this week, he is demanding just that. So, you have to ask yourself what has changed. Has the pandemic become much worse? No, it hasn't. In fact in the months since Joe Biden told us that, more than a hundred million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID. So, you would think on the basis of that number, the administration would be celebrating, maybe even taking a victory lap, but they're not doing that, hardly. In fact, they seem angrier and more demanding than ever, more determined to single out Americans on the basis of their health status and denounce them and that should tell you something. We have long ago left the realm of public health. This is about politics and it's about social control. The Biden administration has decided it owns your body, and the media agree with that. If the rest of us allow that grotesque claim to go unchallenged, we are in deep trouble going forward. For generations long after COVID recedes, and it will, at some point. American citizens should never be forced to take medicine they don't want. Period. Government should never require people to submit to any medical procedure whether that procedure is sterilization or frontal lobotomies or COVID vaccinations. Most Americans still believe that, that is a foundational belief in this country, every poll shows it. The majority in both parties believe that. So who is defending the people who believe that? No one on Capitol Hill is defending them. No one in the think tanks in Washington is defending them, even the supposedly libertarian think tanks that believe in freedom. Instead professional Republicans have decided to ignore this topic entirely. As usual, they have utterly internalized the slurs of their enemies, and so they seem anxious to prove that they are not Neanderthals, they're not anything like those morons in rural America who vote for them and send them contributions, make their jobs possible. No, we're totally different. We're enlightened. We believe in science. You see them saying that all over television. Reading Pfizer talking points and telling us how great the vaccines are, and that's fine. If you want the vaccine, go ahead and take it. It's entirely up to you. We support that, most do. But what about the Americans who don't want to take the vaccine? Who is standing up for them? If Republicans can't even do that, if they can't even defend science and fight mandatory injections, then why bother to have a Republican Party? Why not spare the rest of us the indignity, sign off your Twitter account for good and take a job at Quiznos.
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When there’s a White House press briefing in which the press corps doesn’t appear friendly with the Biden administration, you know it was a tough day at the office. Tuesday’s briefing was one of those rare days as Fox’s Peter Doocy was joined by over a half dozen colleagues in asking tough questions Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to answer about the return of masks, even for vaccinated Americans.
House Attending Physician Brian Monahan said late Tuesday that the House of Representatives is reinstating its mask mandate – and therefore the threat of fines to members who don't comply – following updated guidance from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the delta variant.
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White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday called for everyone to wear masks indoors again, even those who have been vaccinated, as the United States deals with the Delta variant of the coronavirus. | Clips
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The new mandate came down hours after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended mask-wearing in indoor public spaces.
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