“The liberal's arm cannot strike with consistent firmness against communism -- because the liberal dimly feels that in doing so he would be somehow wounding himself," said James Burnham in

'Patriot' Is the New 'Nazi'

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The America-hating Left will stop at nothing to demonize those who love their country.
Andrew Trunsky Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned congressional leaders Friday that failing to raise the debt ceiling would risk “irreparable harm to

Politics Is Spoiling the Olympics

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Americans used to feel proud when our teams went to the Olympics. But when our women's soccer team was humiliated by Sweden this week, it didn't bother me one bit.
Under the guise of preventing COVID "misinformation," her bill would limit liability protection for social media companies.
About four dozen fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from COVID-19, health officials say. Forty-nine deaths ...
EXCLUSIVE: A conservative legal group set up by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller is already scoring some early victories against the Biden administration just weeks after getting started, and he believes the group has a "target-rich environment" as it looks to push back on issues from immigration to Critical Race Theory.
Fox News is calling the alleged unmasking of Tucker Carlson "entirely unacceptable" after a new report said the ...
The Chinese government criticized NBC for displaying an “incomplete” map of the country during its coverage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony on Friday, calling it an attempt to “play political ‘tricks.’”
J.D. Vance called out the 'childless left,' asking why those with 'no physical commitment' to our country's future have so much influence over it.
The DOJ has declined to investigate nursing homes policies in New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan that led to mass deaths.
'What they may require is to be off of our streets because they’re making it unsafe for us. And if that’s what it requires, then that’s what it requires.'

Veterans for American Ideals

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Human Rights First launches Veterans for American Ideals, a nonpartisan group of veterans who share a belief that America is strongest and most secure when its policies and actions match its ideals.
In the old days, Democrats had predictable agendas, supposedly focused on individual rights, the “little guy” and distrust of the military-industrial complex.
Michigan legislators have stripped Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of the emergency powers she freely wielded during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
A new book argues that left-wing “authoritarians” and their cancel culture have muzzled the silent majority — and it’s time to fight back.
WORLD - After a century of hard-fought battles for equal rights, the feminist movement has finally achieved its ultimate goal of obliterating women's sports, relabeling mothers 'birthing persons,' and getting women drafted into the military. 'We are so proud of what we have achieved,' said Mandy Chandrilla, a biological man who ...
The Czech senate has approved adding a right to self-defence with a weapon to its Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Elise Stefanik released a statement lambasting Joe Biden and his DOJ for failing to investigate coronavirus-related nursing home deaths.
You know we are in trouble when CNN’s Don Lemon is the smart one. | Politics
Democrats may add $10 billion to the pending $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill to help hide their huge amnesties from worried voters.
An electrical engineer from Los Angeles who plotted to steal missile technology and sell it to a Chinese ...
Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she would not impose mask or vaccine mandates if elected governor of Arkansas.
Media critic Joe Concha sounded off Friday after the MLB's Cleveland Indians decided after more than 100 years to change their name to the “Cleveland Guardians” in order to prevent people from being offended by the reference to Native Americans.
Self-censorship to evade "cancel culture" amounts to "doing the tyrant's work for him," Seth Dillon, CEO of the Babylon Bee, said.