"Hasbro maintains it was an 'optional diversity and inclusion webinar attended by a small group of employees.'"
The overall risk of death is around two in a million children, scientists looking at England's data estimate.
That’s exactly right. When elections aren’t conducted according to the rules and electors block efforts to perform an audit, it’s very hard for people to
A poll from FOX 5 and Emerson College shows who may have the best shot to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom if he is removed from office.
Get the Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism and the latest issue of EverBright Kids magazine for just $1 s&p each with this special offer.
An attempt to hold nationwide marches in Cuba prompted heavy police presence and "preemptive" arrests of people suspected to be attending.
A group of Texas Democrats staying in Washington, D.C., after leaving the Lone Star State earlier this month will receive about $600,000 to help finance the trip, former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke said Thursday.
Senate Democrats complained Wednesday that Senate Republicans are holding the economy and the debt limit "hostage."
A decade after the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status, the agency recently pulled a similar stunt with a
Chinese state media grudgingly admitting the deadly floods in Henan province show their government did a poor job of infrastructure planning.
Big business interests are ramping up their lobbying for more legal immigration as nearly 16 million Americans remain jobless.
This week, President Joe Biden was asked whether he had any message for social media amidst a dramatic rise in the number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases thanks to the delta variant. Biden immediately responded that companies like Facebook were responsible for murder: “They’re killing people — I mean, they’re really, look, the only pandemic we […]
The Energy and Natural Resources Committee voted 10–10 along party lines on Biden’s controversial Bureau of Land Management nominee.
Despite the success of the recall effort against California Governor Gavin Newsom, he’s looked likely to beat the effort to oust him. But a new poll shows “some big warning signs” fo...
Economists had forecast 350,000 new claims, a decline of 10,000 from the previous week's initial estimate of 360,000. | Economy
America’s Frontline Doctors filed a motion on July 19, seeking immediate injunctive relief to stop the emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Cedar Park Church, which sued Washington state for forcing the church to pay for abortion.
Asked during a press conference on Thursday about the idea of a federal mask mandate for children when school resumes in the fall, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t pull any punches:...

Biden's Baleful Border Betrayal

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Joe Biden is responsible for the border crisis but the Left is trying to use it as an excuse to push their agenda.
Top O’ the Briefing DeSantis Keeps Rolling Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Julio Iglesias occasionally shows up in my hot tub and sings Irish show tunes....
Think again if you don’t believe liberals want to control every aspect of your life – even in the shower. Reason magazine reports that President Joe
President Biden participated in a CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Wednesday evening, and said several things that were pretty strange.
Those who live in the prisons of their own minds are not only a threat to themselves, but to everyone else. Often hidden are their many, many enablers.
Voddie Baucham's 'Fault Lines,' warns social justice ideology is seeping into American evangelicalism and offers valuable inisight on how to stop it.
I Can’t Breathe A rookie cop in Aurora, Illinois, was attacked by three people in a car he pulled over for running a stop sign. One of the suspects choked the officer until he lost the “ab...