As disgraced firebrand anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti was sentenced to 30 months in prison for a multi-million-dollar scheme to extort Nike, Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera remarked that he has hurt the credibility of his longtime admirers in the mainstream media.
Concerned parents and media critics swatted the New York Times on Thursday after the newspaper heralded Justine Ang Fonte, a New York teacher who recently became infamous for her sexual education curriculum for children and young adults, as a "sex-positive educator," and called her lessons "pornography literacy."
The Democrats have a problem: They have run away from their core voters. And they are beginning to notice and worry. Lefty blogger Kevin Drum noted this recently. He observes that Republi…
North Dakota on July 8 sued President Joe Biden's administration over its cancellation of a planned auction of ...
NBC News national security contributor and former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi said Thursday on MSNBC's "Deadline" that Fox News host Tucker Carlson and the Republican Party were trying to erode the public's trust in their institutions of government so they are only people who can be trusted. | Clips
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes attempted to connect the rise in violent crimes in the United States to the increase in gun sales.
Trump's class-action lawsuit alleging censorship by Big Tech companies is the most important First Amendment case of the 21st century, contends Harvard emeritus law professor Alan Dershowitz.
In comparison to the Biden administration’s absurd argument, many Democrats have actually defunded their cities' police departments. In New York City, for
#BREAKING: An arrest has been made in connection to the deaths of three people found on the tenth hole of Pinetree Country Club’s golf course on Saturday afternoon, police said.
Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway argued that we have given nation-building “a very long try” and it has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.
The government can help ensure that the wildfire crisis is solved, so what's stopping them? Listen to this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour.
Michael Avenatti was sentenced Thursday for attempting to extort $20 million from Nike. He will serve two-and-half years in prison. 
Celebration of Lead Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot claims “racism” is Chicago’s biggest problem. Maybe it’s thugs? Chicago’s July 4 shoot’em up could have been worse...
We’re So Pretty Do you have an American flag in your yard and a crucifix around your neck? Does Big Tech want you silent? Is Big Brother sick of your “seditious” independent thoughts...
The Biden administration continues its march to be the most Orwellian in American history. Earlier this week, Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned that the government agents would be going door-to-door to...
Tlaib's position will likely become the Democrat mainstream. Defunding DHS is fine, but if you suggest defunding Tlaib, your political career will be over.
  From Business Insider’s views. Tsi Trump’s words after guessing at his book “Landslide: The Final Days of Trump Trump” journalist Michael Wolf. Winning the negative image of Julianna from Trump’s assistants and the ex-president himself. “When you vibrate Trump, I think about those who, if Rudi VIP is stupid, then you can say a […]
Racial minorities and women continue to be underrepresented at the upper echelons of spy agencies, even as the percentage of minorities working in the intelligence community edged higher last year, according to a new government report.
If Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can censor me, they can censor you—and believe me, they are.
BEAVER WIND, OR - 'All I ever wanted was to brainwash my kids into thinking all whites are racist,' says Cindy Pencilton, wiping tears from her eyes, as she settles into the couch to watch another Netflix show. 'And now, that's all threatened.'Pencilton is one of a growing number of teachers who have found themselves locked at home ...
U.S. - Controversy continues to unfold surrounding what teachers should and should not be teaching children. Teachers have responded by demanding cameras be placed in homes so they can monitor what parents are teaching their students. 'Why shouldn’t we be able to see what they are teaching our students? Do they have something to hide?&rdqu ...
U.S. - A new study has found that kids who got themselves shoved into lockers, toilets, and trash cans while in junior high and high school are finally getting a new career opportunity as Joe Biden's door-to-door vaccine monitors.Researchers learned that there was a very strong correlation between being a 'total dweeb' who got beaten up ...
BRISTOL, CT - ESPN has been rattled by internal strife after anchor Sage Steele was caught last weekend on a hot mic talking openly about sports.'We were shocked and saddened by the hateful language Ms. Steele used to describe Chris Paul's point differential,' said ESPN president James Pitaro. 'We have listened to the tape repeatedl ...
Students will be required to participate in sex education lessons unless a guardian provides a "written objection."
Pelosi bought Amazon calls just before the Pentagon canceled a contract with Microsoft and started a new one that could benefit the Amazon.