The media has normalized an anti-religious bigotry that threatens to remove faithful Christians, be they Catholic or anything else, from public service.
The populist, anti-immigrant provocateur is outflanking Marine Le Pen
President Biden on Monday admitted that he didn’t feel confident that Democrats made enough gains in the midterm elections to codify abortion rights – before telling a reporter he ̶…
Pastor Mahin Mousapour and Bundestag member Erika Steinbach called for much stronger sanctions for Muslims who abuse Christians in Germany.
McCord admitted trying to use his position to strong-arm state contractors into giving to a failed 2014 campaign.
Who knew a president could do that?
A California woman has been accused of claiming $21,000 in coronavirus unemployment benefits under Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein's name.
The increasing demand for fuel-efficient engines and optimized performance in the aviation industry represents one of the primary factors driving the commercial aircraft propeller system market.
A single photo beautifully captures the quest for freedom and reminds us just how lucky we have it here in America.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 20, 2021: When Bernie Sanders won the presidential election in a squeaker last year, progressive Jews enthused that a glorious new era in American Judaism had dawned. Synagogues in…
Senators are still in the nation’s Capitol, as Congress works to approve funding for the long-awaited coronavirus relief package by Sunday afternoon.
Noted Chinese dissenter and artist Ai Weiwei compared the wave of political correctness in American culture to Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in a PBS interview.
A group of hundreds hit the southern border early Saturday morning, just weeks before the Title 42 public health order will expire due to a court-ordered winddown.
One more executive decree for the road?
And his own religious faith is indistinguishable from belief in socialism.
White House adviser Peter Navarro claimed in an interview on Monday that more than 379,000 possibly illegal ballots ...
Republicans’ big win in Virginia proves yet again that the pro-life message is an asset to savvy GOP candidates, even in “purple” states.
A New Mexico mother who allegedly concealed a deadly dose of fentanyl inside her children’s luggage has been charged with a federal drug crime. Magdalena
Libertarian Party presidential nominee and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson said he’s no skeptic of man-made global warming and endorsed a “fee” on carbon dioxide emissions.

Stephanie Grisham on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“President @realDonaldTrump made a commitment to donate his salary while in office. Honoring that promise and to further protect the American people, he is donating his 2019 Q4 salary to @HHSGov to support the efforts being undertaken to confront, contain, and combat #Coronavirus.”
What if the woke brain virus began to infect the last remaining meritocracy in this country?
I'll admit that I'm not the biggest culture warrior. It's not my go-to political battle, but the "woke" clowns' and the Democratic Party's sprint toward extremism is starting to wear
Twitter has reportedly shut down its office in Brussels this week in a potential shot across the bow at the bloc over freedom of speech.

Jeb Called It

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

In early July, Jeb Bush told MSNBC: ​The tragedy of this though is that there isn’t going to be a wall built. And Mexico’s not going to pay for it. And there’s not going to be a ban on Muslims. None of that, this was all, like, a alternative universe that he created. The reality is that’s not going to happen and people are going to be deeply frustrated and the divides will grow in our country. And this extraordinary country, still the greatest country on the face of the earth, will continue to stagger instead of soar. And that’s the heartbreaking part of this is I think people are going to really feel betrayed.  