Proving massive bias in the media, PBS "reporter" Yamiche Alcindor was heard happily exclaiming that the role of the press is to be Trump's enemy.
Activists have argued for decades that the current versions of the Massachusetts state flag and motto disparage Native Americans.
Approximately 844,000 migrants were apprehended or classified as "got-aways" during the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2023.
A proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution would give states the authority to repeal a federal rule or regulation by a two-thirds majority.
The move has tribes uncertain of the future of sovereign lands, especially in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Senate will not take up impeachment of President Trump until after his successor is sworn in, according to the office of the top Republican.
Could President Joe Biden be so toxic that even the ACLU has turned on him? Most likely not in the broader sense, given the increasingly leftward drift of
With House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) finally in possession of the speaker’s gavel after a grueling four days of voting, he and his allies are likely celebrating a hard-fought victory.

The Gods Of Equality and Liberty

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

DRINKING GAME OF THE VIDEO: Take a break from the drinking, pull out a spliff. This video is protected under fair use as the content is transformative. I thi...
The Trump administration quietly changed an online description of the country's Strategic National Stockpile following a press briefing with White House adviser Jared Kushner. 
Talk show host Dave Rubin blasted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., for calling on Congress to “look into” a commission on “media literacy” to combat misinformation, after last week’s deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol.
By Colin Young State House News Service With a party-line vote that had to be broken by Vice President Kamala Harris, the U.S. Senate on Wednesday confirmed Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins as the new top federal prosecutor for Massachusetts. Nominated for the U.S. attorney post by President Joe Biden in July, Rollins became the...
President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump in September as "irresponsible" for allegedly keeping classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
Multiple cases of voter fraud are popping up in Colorado as a part of an investigation by CBS 4 that is looking into fraudulently cast votes in multiple state elections. The investigation into this kind of voter fraud revealed that there were multiple votes cast that were in the names of people t
What you saw in Portland was more than just a viral video on the internet, It was the manifestation of a cowardly and demonic strategy to force good people into a corner. What was going through those policeman's minds? Find out on today's show.
Economist Stephen Moore warned that the US is barrelling headlong toward a Great Depression if the economy isn’t revived by next month because of the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic…
Edward Hendrie Sidney Powell has prepared a 21-page executive summary of the foreign interference in the 2020 U.S Presidential Election. It is linked here. Below are some highlights from Powell’s summary report: *** These election systems appear to have been intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. *** The [U.S. Senate Intelligence] Committee heard disturbing testimony of the ability of operators to “reprogram the machine to invisibly cause any candidate to win.” Id. At 42. It is undisputed that the FBI and…
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host exposes what caused inflation to hit a 39-year high#FoxNews #Tucker...TUCKER CARLSON: There's a lot about modern economic theor...
LED Bulb Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials
There are 157 statewide proposals on the Election Day ballot in 35 states. Of those, here are the 10 most important. Some will have a huge impact if enacted. Others might increase turnout among certain groups in crucial swing states. Arizona: $12 minimum wage Arizona wasn't supposed to be a swing state in the 2016 election, but it's starting to look that way: Donald Trump leads by one in the RealClearPolitics polling average, but Hillary Clinton leads by two in the most recent poll. Sen. John McCain's re-election bid seems to be safe, with double-digit leads in the polls. Nonetheless, having a minimum wage hike on the ballot could increase liberal turnout in Arizona. The proposal would raise the state's hourly minimum wage from the current $8.05 to $10 an hour in 2017, eventually rising to $12 an hour in 2020 and then adjusting the wage for cost-of-living increases. It would also require employers to offer paid sick leave.
Not bad for a 400lb hacker... 
The chair of Wisconsin's state Democratic Party on Monday blasted a U.S. Supreme Court decision that required all absentee ballots be posted by Tuesday to be counted in the state's election.