The attorney who filed the suit, who is technically a plaintiff in the case, withdrew the case two days after it was filed in court.
More than 30 Democratic representatives are calling for President Joe Biden to give up his sole authority to order the launch of nuclear weapons.
Several verified users on Twitter took to the social media platform immediately following legendary musician Meat Loaf’s death, believed to be from the coronavirus, to mock him for his opposition to vaccine mandates and masks.
A 19-year-old Colorado woman saw a positive pregnancy test and was hit with anxiety. At her age, she was in no way prepared to be a mother. She informed her boyfriend, who was the same age as her. Together, they made the decision to walk into a local Planned Parenthood...
The left’s skewed and inconsistent claims bring all such arguments into question, as their partisans always reverse engineer arguments that would make their wishes constitutional, even when they cl…
On Sunday's AM Joy, during a discussion of what presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should offer to black voters in exchange for their support, race-obsessed MSNBC host Joy Reid twice claimed that President Donald Trump promised white Americans that he would take actions against "brown immigrants." She also suggested that Italy has done a better job of handling the coronavirus epidemic than President Trump even though the per capita death rate there is substantially higher than in the U.S.
Fox News host Sean Hannity reacted Wednesday night to the reports suggesting House Democrats were urging President Biden to relinquish his nuclear authority.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" that it was "entirely conceivable" people may need boosters again to fight COVID-19. | Clips
Trump's attorney sets the record straight on what they've been told.
riday’s New York Times covered the start of the second term of Venezuelan autocrat Nicholas Maduro, but managed to avoid unflattering descriptions like that, in “With Venezuela in Free Fall, Its President Starts New Term." Yet other stories on Friday tossed around the word “autocrat” to complain about President Trump’s embrace of Egypt’s leadership. Also as usual, the Times’ use of the S-word (socialism) was limited and perhaps even positive, even though socialist economics have ravaged oil-rich Venezuela and rendered it a starving basket case.
Donald Trump has threatened social media platforms with tougher restrictions or even closure after accusing Twitter of of meddling in this year’s election and “completely stifling FREE SPEECH” by adding a link to one of his posts - spreading baseless fear-mongering over postal voting - that led his followers
The US is beaten in the Middle East and nothing can undo that. Iran is testing Joe Biden, and Joe Biden is failing the test
NBC News’ coverage, and rhetoric from its biggest stars, doesn’t always coincide with NBC News president Noah Oppenheim’s claim that his network is not in the business of "advocacy journalism.”
President Joe Biden on Monday defended left-wing corporate politics even as a new report showed that going woke is bad for business. After more than two years in office, Biden used his first presidential veto to reject a GOP-led bill that overturned a Biden rule…
The White House dismissed six aides on Thursday after the staffers failed FBI background checks. Some of the aides were physically walked out of the building by security a day earlier. Those affected had failed the SF86, a Questionnaire for National Security Positions used to determine whether a government employee is eligible for a security clearance. The test takes into consideration a person's credit score, substance use and various personal subjects. Caroline Wiles was among the six escorted off the property. Wiles worked as Trump's scheduling director and is the daughter of Susan Wiles, who managed Trump's Florida campaign. Wiles had resigned on Friday before the results of the test were released. She had worked s deputy assistant secretary during the transition period. Sources told Politico she is going to work for the Treasury Department in light of her inability to return to the White House.
Trevor Lawrence gives TMZ Sports his review of the White House food spread.
A small group of self-described "heavily armed rednecks" guarded several shops against looters Wednesday night as riots erupted across Minneapolis.
Parents' strategies don't provide relief to the kids they claim are being abused, taught racism, and denied their right to an education.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reportedly helped shut down a drag show event at an Orlando high school after the state's department of education questioned the event.
According to a report by Publishers Weekly, Simon & Schuster is canceling publication of Milo Yiannopoulos's book "Dangerous."

What Tucker Carlson Gets Right

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

The stability of working-class family life has eroded—and elite policy makers are partially to blame.
Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones released video and files related to the 2017 shooting of Mikel McIntyre.
The Court will decide if two Arizona statutes on discarding ballots and "ballot harvesting" violate the Voting Rights Act.
New York Republican Reps. Nicole Malliotakis and Claudia Tenney blasted President Biden for footage showing migrants being flown covertly into the state.