
The Islamic View of "Feminism"

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

What the West needs to know is that in the Muslim world, jihad is considered more important than women, family happiness and life itself. If we are told, as Linda Sarsour said, that Islam stands for peace and justice, what we are not told is that "peace"
"The women and children who have been raised on the mentality of ISIS and terrorism need to be rehabilitated," an official warns. "Otherwise, they will be the foundations of future terrorism."
Nick Cannon’s comments about whites being ‘genetically inferior’ and ‘closer to animals’ would have been front page if they had been uttered about blacks.
ABC News legal analyst and co-host of "The View" Sunny Hostin said on Thursday's broadcast that it should not be acceptable in America while discussing the fatal police shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant in Columbus, OH. | Clips
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is a fearless heroine fighting against the Democratic establishment in the new Netflix documentary "Knock Down the House." See the newly released trailer:
Back in January the WHO and its General Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  said the coronavirus was nothing to worry about. The WHO said there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission: https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152?s=20 But soon after this, Dr. Tedros and the WHO went from the coronavirus being no big deal to projecting massive death from the coronavirus.…
The woman was stabbed to death inside her police station before fellow officers shot and killed the suspected attacker
https://youtu.be/Fc-gp2NHPiU In today’s Chris Ingram show, Chris delves into why the Democrats are likely to lose big this November and in 2020. From Joe
The two parties join together to sponsor a bill, spearheaded by AIPAC, that would be one of the most authoritarian congressional measures in years.
His solution to climate catastrophe? You may want to sit down for this one: a carbon tax.
The radical left's anti-law enforcement beliefs are found among protesters, some politicians, and now, even among Joe Biden's campaign staff. Sara Pearl, the supervising video producer for Biden's presidential campaign, tweeted
In an address late Friday, Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler extended a city-wide state of emergency and begged for Portland residents to assist law
We’re still grappling with whether or not we should remove confederate monuments, but New Jersey is taking the battle over an ugly part of American history to the next level.
Shark Tank host and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban wades into politics from time to time. His ideology is often hard to nail down, but he seems like a socially progressive moderate Republican or Libertarian-lite. Sometimes, the media personality who has flirted with a presidential run in the past lets his progressive side get the […]
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) acknowledged during an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday that there is no evidence race was a motivating factor in the killing of George Floyd.The progressive attorney general made the stunning admission when fielding a question from interviewer Sco...
A U.N. Human Rights Council report was just the latest example of how the world body weaponizes tropes of Jew-hatred against Israel. Yet the Biden administration won’t dump it.
Climate change could be used to justify all sorts of infringements of your liberty
Points of no return.
The tech giants like Musk think Bitcoin is more environmentally friendly, and many experts questioned
A former adviser to the FDA commissioner who continues to serve in an oversight role says the agency is ignoring its requirement to disclose clear safety and efficacy problems with the COVID-19 vaccines.
Like many leftist organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, started out with good intentions.

Did Bill Barr Lie to Congress?

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

First Robert Mueller rebuked Barr for his summary of the Russia probe. Then Trump’s attorney general played dumb in front of the House and Senate. Now Democrats are demanding his resignation ME: lmao total fucking crap from the rolling stone, what a JOKE! Robert Mueller wrote a scathing letter to Attorney General Bill Barr in late March, blasting Barr’s infamous four-page summary to Congress because it did “not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the special counsel’s findings. That is the takeaway from a bombshell report published Tuesday evening in the Washington Post. Mueller’s letter, sent days after Barr’s cursory briefing of March 24th, blamed Barr’s communique for spurring “public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation” into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia and the president’s possible obstruction of justice. “This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel,” Muller wrote, “to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/bill-barr-lie-congress-mueller-report-829466/
Efforts by Democrats to destroy all public traces of their own history of supporting slavery, the Confederacy, and segregation must no longer go unchallenged.