A Catholic church in Massachusetts is making headlines again ahead of Christmas, this time by placing its nativity scene’s baby Jesus in a cage to protest the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
New data from the Department of Labor shows 3.2 million Americans filed fresh claims for unemployment last week bringing the pandemic total over 33 million.
By Darren Smith, Weekend Contributor Our host on numerous occasions makes a strong case in labeling today’s zeitgeist as “The Age of Rage”. It would certainly seem to be so if one focuses on what s…
The Biden White House is the most diverse in history, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday, with a majority-minority Cabinet and a majority of senior staff who "identify as female."
"The most vilified segments in American society right now...Hollywood, foreigners and the press..."
The Commerce Department approved a deal by Boeing to sell top-secret military technology to a company financed by the communist Chinese government.
More Americans hold positive than negative views of the news media’s COVID-19 coverage, but Republicans and Democrats remain starkly divided.
In the course of one extraordinary hour, the defense team for former President Donald Trump thoroughly demolished the impeachment case against him.
The claims are incorrect or missing important context, said Lt. Gen. Jim Slife, the head of Air Force Special Operations Command. But he has called for the service's inspector general to investigate.
An Oregon family armed with their own fire extinguishers saved their home after it was set on fire by homeless squatters next door twice in one day.
Four journalists and one newspaper "are representative of a broader fight by countless others around the world."
White House lawyers have reportedly told Kamala Harris' influencer niece, Meena (left and with Kamala Harris, right), 36, to stop using her aunt's name and likeness to build her brand.
The Finnish government has sought to boost border security since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
David Rubin, the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, spoke with Tucker Carlson on Wednesday on the effectiveness of the border wall in Israel with Egypt. On Tuesday Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer told President Trump that border walls were a “waste of money.” Democrats insist walls are racist and immoral. Rubin refuted those …
Post with 0 votes and 132 views. When the Left and MSM cause books previously categorized as fiction to be moved to the non-fiction section
In the latest example of the disconnect between the elite left and real Americans, a January headline in the Los Angeles Times read: “Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s Plan.”
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Senate Intelligence Committee members are eyeing ways to compel the Biden administration to share information about the classified documents found in the homes of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden after weeks of stonewalling.
Liberals tend to be crazy in general, but then you have the rare breed that is insane on a whole new level. Maxine Waters falls into the latter category and
It seems that even abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood agrees with pro-lifers that the little being who grows inside a woman's belly for nine months is, in fact, a "baby."
The establishments will have to keep the logs for 30 days.
Over 30% of Texans are without power.
A coalition of pro-life organizations has sent a letter urging U.S. senators to oppose the nomination of pro-abortion Dr. Robert Califf as FDA Commissioner.
People 'cannot be defined by any single factor.'