One of the most serious and most damaging abuses of state power is to misuse surveillance authorities for political purposes. For that reason, this memo needs to be released as soon as possible. The #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag started
Yes, Dana Loesch Is Right. CNN Stood By And Allowed The NRA To Be Smeared As Child Murderers - Matt Vespa: Piggybacking off Cortney’s post about the heated exchange between National .02/27/2018 8:56:11AM EST.
letters in The Wall Street Journal government worker pensions, Calpers, 401(k) for everyone else, unfair to taxpayers, irresponsible politicians
Veteran and Olympic athlete Louis Zamperini seeks to overcome loss, guilt and dark visions of the past in the sequel to 'Unbroken.'
None of the four students involved in this investigation believe it was handled fairly and with respect for due process.
On Monday, the Supreme Court issued yet another politically-driven leftist decision, this time over the contentious issue of abortion. The Court explained that not only did the Constitution of the United States mandate that states not infringe upon the phantom right to abortion, but that health regulations on abortion clinics had to be overturned if they made it less convenient for women to kill their babies at such clinics. To this decision, The Daily Show had but one well-considered response: “Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!”
Lindsey Graham: Let Courts Stop Obama's Executive Amnesty -
The United States' child-poverty rate is unexceptional by international standards; those who say different are talking about income inequality, not poverty.
On April 13, 2015, The Massachusetts Daily Collegian, a student paper at the University of Massachusetts, published a column titled Deal with Iran is a bad one. The piece was written by a conservative student attending UMass Amherst, and it explains why the recent framework of a deal with Iran is potentially “a dangerous one with disconcerting historic parallels.”
On September 14, Democrat presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley indicated gun control is part of his plan for restoring the "American dream."
MARTINEZ, Calif. — Turkeys are traditional for Thanksgiving. But some folks in the San Francisco Bay Area are praying the wild ones will go away. Introduced into the state for hunting decades ago, …
NSA police opened fire on a vehicle after the driver refused commands to stop at a security gate, according to the agency. Preliminary reports say the men were dressed as women.
Officials from California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ office and Planned Parenthood collaborated to draft legislation targeting the pro-life activist whose undercover videos showed officials for the nation’s largest abortion provider discussing the sale of fetal body parts, emails show.
A German court Friday barred a TV comedian from reciting in full his so-called "defamatory poem" against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan which sparked a diplomatic row last year. In the poem, broadcast in March 2016, satirist Jan Boehmermann accused Erdogan of bestiality and watching
In response to the ATF attempt to regulate rifle ammunition, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) has reintroduced legislation to disband the agency.
Dr. Ben Carson, a likely 2016 presidential contender, tells Breitbart News that it is “absolutely vital” Americans stand up for Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s new religious freedom law.
Mandating paid leave will reduce hiring opportunities and base pay, especially for women.
There’s a lot of talk these days about Trump Derangement Syndrome — the media’s incessant inability to talk about anything but Trump, their determination to paint every action Trump takes as simultaneously idiotic and malevolent, their utter unwillingness to report on anything remotely resembling
After instituting 50 years of policies hostile to the traditional family, the left is now amazed at the outcome.
When gun scholar John Lott met Obama for the first time in 1996, Obama told him, "I don't believe that people should be able to own guns."

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
The Hunting Ground joins the movement to ruin a man’s career for the sake of an ideological agenda.
President Barack Obama traced the origins of Islamic State militants back to the presidency of George W. Bush and the invasion of Iraq back in 2003, arguing that its growth was an “unintended consequence” of the war.
Michael Hirsh published home addresses of Richard Spencer, who leads the white supremacist National Policy Institute. Spencer held a meeting in Washington last weekend that featured Nazi salutes.