Limbaugh: Trump Tax Plan Similar to Reagan’s 1980s Tax Proposals
Growing up in this great country of ours, I got the impression that moonshine was a peculiarly American phenomenon. The Dukes of Hazzard television show (1979-1985) and films like Gator served up a simple story. Moonshiners lived in America’s mountains and back roads. They are honest country folk who make ‘likker’ from cherished family recipes. Moonshiners, this story goes, are poor people whose days are spent trying to outfox the police so as to carry on the traditions of their forebears and earn a living by selling white lightning to their friends and neighbors, and college students looking for a
A 17-year-old from Texas is charged with capital murder after she allegedly stabbed her minutes old child nine times and put it in a shed.
State officials say too little is known about the health effects
The decisions—about Iraq, about Korea, about fighting terrorism—that confrontthis U.S. President may turn out to be as momentous as any an American leader has faced in decades. What capacities does President Bush bring to his decision-making? What limitations hamper his judgment? The author, a journalist and a historian, speaks with people close to the President and probes his private life and public career. Bush is, he concludes, focused, quick to make decisions, persevering, a good judge of character, and yes, "smart enough" to be an effective President. The unknown quantity is imagination—the imagination to foresee consequences, the imagination to be a wartime President
(National Sentinel) Nothing Burger: Legal analyst and former U.S. attorney Joe diGenova dropped a bombshell during a Monday morning interview on Washington, D.C. station WMAL, saying that he is cer…
For all the liberal media’s efforts to claim the Republican Party was trying to scare its base to the polls, they were really working hard to paint the GOP as racist bogeymen. During Thursday’s CBS Evening News, the broadcast network parroted Democratic talking points, asserting the GOP was purging the voter rolls in Georgia of minorities.
The battle over insurance subsidies.
Hillary Clinton’s press performance Tuesday afternoon was, truly, everything Americans could have hoped for from our former First Lady, Modern Joan of Arc, Lady Macbeth, Senate carpetbagger and eternal public Woman Scorned.
No conservative should ever appear on a progressive media show without calling them out on every presupposition, loaded question, and baited discussion.
The race problem revealed by the statistics on both killings and arrests of blacks reflects something larger: the structure of our society, our laws and policies.
The committee investigating Benghazi formally requested Friday that Hillary Rodham Clinton turn her email server over to an independent third party so it can be scrutinized to determine whether she and the Obama administration complied with open-records laws.
Terry Bean, 66, co-founded two of the biggest national campaign groups and raised more than $500,000 for Barack Obama's 2012 re-election bid. He is charged with sodomy and sex abuse.
Can a group of states ban together for the first time since 1787 to change the Constitution at a convention? It all comes down to a matter of math and a few important numbers: 5, 27, 34, 38, 535 and 9.
Podcaster Anthony Oliveira accused former Superman actor Dean Cain of homophobia. His only evidence is Cain's support of President Donald Trump.
Two committees are hearing our application in South Carolina on March 4. Here's how you can help.
The officials who leaked information from tapes of General Flynn's conversations with Russian ambassador Kislyak to the media were almost certainly coming a serious federal felony. It is in President Trump's interests in order to assert his control of the bureaucracy that he gets the Department of Justice to instruct the FBI to undertake a full leaks investigation.
The rough beauty of the American West seems as far as you can get from the polished corridors of power in Washington DC.
Iowa Ag Summit Applauds Ted Cruz Even When He Opposes Their Interests -
The Supreme Court is about to decide if the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution requires the states to redefine marriage to include same sex relationships. There are several reasons why the answer is no.
Ruth Marcus said Hillary Clinton's campaign video was "substance-free," and her campaign has been "semi-close to that"