This clip originally aired on Fox Business, "Real Social Justice," with John Stossel (June 5, 2015). The full 41-minute show is available here: http://bit.ly...
Tucker Carlson gave an explosive monologue last night after a former executive of the Podesta Group
The reindustrialization of America is the key to broad-based prosperity that will solve a host of problems, from burdensome debt loads and more.
By Dale Glading _ Growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s and 1970s, I played every sport imaginable. Wiffleball in the backyard, baseball at the local park, and tennis with my friends Bob and John. I also organized and played in tackle football games with our crosstown rivals, and coordinated softb
BGI Genomics’ COVID-test kits raise the specter of data-mining from American citizens.
President Biden's administration is bracing for a wave of violence if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in June, Fox News confirmed Wednesday.
Republican presidential candidate and real estate magnate Donald Trump tells Breitbart News exclusively that he has no plans whatsoever to back down in the face of Univision—on behalf of the Mexican government—targeting him after he’s exposed trade deals and immigration problems that benefit Mexico and harm the United States.
There’s an old saying that the Devil’s greatest triumph was getting people to believe he doesn’t exist. Firearm confiscation is like that. Stamped with a gold seal, the order came as more than 100,000 Americans braced themselves for the landfall of Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean, a Category 5 storm. This was not the first time the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) had faced the threat of a serious hurricane on the way. But the reality in this case was far graver for the USVI’s law-abiding gun owners.
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'If this allegation is proven, it is another disturbing incident of the WHO ... putting the political sensitivities of a member state above the public health…
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case allowing states to require proof of citizenship for those applying to vote in federal elections, effectively upholding a lower court ruling against Kansas and Arizona.

John Boehner ungrateful

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Few have done more to divide America than Mark Levin & conservative media, the former speaker still believes.
New York the Empire State compensates its employees very well. The question is should you be paying New York to do so? Is that fair?
Unindicted co-conspirators could unravel the full story of what the FBI knew in advance about the January 6th Capitol Riots.
U-Haul, one of the nation’s largest moving rental companies, compiles a lot of statistics to keep track of their moving trucks. Their reports show in the past two years, more people leaving C…
Trump is selling opposition politics to Americans who, rich or poor, enjoy greater power as consumers than they ever will as voters. The media do not understand consumer behavior, which is why so many outlets have failed. But Trump "gets it": his companies not only provide value for investors, but good service to customers.
Two broad, strategic strokes President Trump could pursue would effectively start draining the Washington swamp. They’re bold, but the only way.
Youth isn’t a good proxy for support of political correctness, and race isn’t either.
A Black Lives Matter activist who described himself as "100% ANTIFA" is under investigation for the fatl shooting of a pro-Trump supporter in Portland.
Refugee Warns What Americans Are Doing ‘Voluntarily’ That North Koreans Are Forced To Do ‘To Survive’
Belgium is the first nation to force quarantine for monkeypox, just as WHO meets to demand control of every aspect of worldwide pandemic responses.
The proposed Assembly of the States can begin any time a single state legislature decides to act as host. A May 2016 start date is entirely reasonable, as most of the 50 state legislatures will convene in January 2016, which gives plenty of time for them to act, if they are so inclined. And the recommendations from the Assembly of the States could be put into effect immediately by the states.
Hungary has offered to take a Christian cross which the French authorities say must be removed from a statue of Pope John Paul II in Brittany.