

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

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If all guardrails qualify as voter suppression, then why have any at all?
A young woman adopted from China now living in the US expresses gratitude for her birth parents' courage in helping her survive China's One-Child Policy.
Democrats Just Ensured More Success For Republicans The only people who are angered by the decision to make Tom Perez ...
John Kerry, the former secretary of state and potential 2020 hopeful, called on President Trump to step down during a Tuesday appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The sight of throngs of police and demonstrators clashing, often without masks, comes at a precarious moment in New York City in its ongoing battle against COVID-19.
So, three years ago, it was okay to like Dr. Seuss. Is that what I’m getting from this tweet by Kamala Harris from 2017? She wished the now-canceled Dr. Seuss,
Trump lets loose on Biden, Pelosi, and the swamp...
The Tik Tok ban bill and RESTRICT Act aims to ban more than just the popular app. TikTok will be far from alone in being banned.
On Tuesday night, President Trump gave the address of his life.
The indictment of Roger Stone is a "typical Mueller indictment," according to Alan Dershowitz.
From the start, TV news media have done their darnedest to paint the riots happening across the country in a positive light. While many journalists have glossed over the widespread violence by relying on misleading characterizations like “mostly peaceful,” others have outright defended and justified the rioting.
Obama said that Buttigieg couldn't win the presidency because "he's gay" and "short," according to new book on the 2020 presidential election. 
Millions of Canadians, led by working class truckers, have put their foot down on the political class that has kept them hostage for the past two years. The ...
Republicans in North Carolina have introduced an abortion ban that would make the state the next one to protect babies from aboritons. The ban protects unborn childrfen starting at conception. Rep. Keith Kidwellis the lead sponsor of the measure that would prohibit killing babies in aboritons with an exception “when necessary to preserve the life […]
Federal alleged cyberstalking and bomb threats linked to a romantic breakup.
March 12, 2018 at 01:53AM
“Justice excuses violence” is a self-destructive maxim that risks producing new atrocities.
The great tragedy of our time is that liberals vote left. Virtually every value liberals have held for a century is now held by conservatives and scorned by leftists. Therefore, America, in serious jeopardy of being lost, will be saved when people convince the liberals in their life that the left
Democrat Rep. Jahana Hayes has paid her son tens of thousands of dollars, using campaign contributions from donors to pay him since entering Congress.
When a mass murderer shot her way into a Nashville school last Monday and killed six people, most Americans reacted with horror.
With income-based tax credits, the GOP is considering an approach to health care it has long been against.
The FBI secretly recorded Illinois' top Democrat in 2014 discussing a hotel development project and that its Chinese developer could become a client of his private law firm, a report says.
A Texas man carrying an “assault rifle” at a Black Lives Matter protest Saturday has been charged with making interstate threats, the Justice Department announced.