Iowa State troopers can keep more than $30,000 in cash taken during a traffic stop, even though the owner was found not guilty, the Iowa Court of Appeals ruled last week.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Indiana Republicans, hoping to shutdown the national firestorm of controversy over their state’s newly enacted Religious Freedom Restoration Act, are moving to amend the law. But here’s the problem: their proposed “fix” plays right into the arguments of the law’s opponents. While some Indiana Republicans haven’t articulated a strong defense of the RFRA, the professionally outraged opponents of the | Read More »

Why the Right is Right

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What makes conservatism right? If you're a conservative, you should know why you're right. If you're not a conservative, why should you think about becoming ...
House Republicans on Wednesday accused the Obama administration of pushing to eliminate some of the key reforms Congress has imposed on the IRS, including prohibitions on lavish conferences and a ban on applying extra scrutiny to groups based on their political beliefs. The proposed IRS budget for 2016...
Lena Dunham and Trevor Noah may be comedically challenged, but they’re not bigots.
A high-end French restaurant has been accused of Islamophobia after allegedly refusing to serve Muslim customers, arguing “All Muslims are terrorists”.
Barack Obama, former president and Republican sleeper agent who successfully destroyed the Democratic Party in eight years, is back in the news after hosting a series of private, one-on-one meetings with Democratic hopefuls who may end up running in 2020. The former president has been meeting with a lot of names that have been tossed around in national media as potential opposition to Donald Trump, | Read More »
Pundits split over importance of US Congress address, though all focus on influence on upcoming elections
Assailant shouts 'dirty Jew' and grabs victim's Star of David pendant before assaulting him, in latest alleged hate crime that started out as a robbery
111 photos, pictures and videos taken by the crowd at Ted Cruz kicks off 2016 presidential campaign - Liberty University - Lynchburg, VA on 3/23/2015 on CrowdAlbum
Latest developments in Yemen and Iraq are evidence that the poison from Obama's "New Beginning" with Mideast Muslims just keeps spreading.
President Obama has engaged in military actions around the world as much as any other president. Since receiving the Nobel Peace Prize shortly after entering office, he has proven himself as aggressive as the most hawkish Republican president in history.
His parents were wildly rich, and so is he.
What has gone wrong with the U.S. government in the past month? Just about everything, from the fundamental to the ridiculous.
The Left's effete snobs have their grand agenda, and they shed no tears for others who must sacrifice to advance it. They never eat their words.
Republican Presidential hopefuls gathered in Nashville, Tennessee to address an enthusiastic audience at the NRA 2015 Annual Meeting. PJTV's Amber Smith was ...
Many Americans still retain the American character of not only asserting rights but standing to defend them.
French citizens are seeking new lives in Hungary in order to escape the negative effects of uncontrolled mass migration. 
Presidential hopeful Rand Paul spent his first day as a candidate wooing New Hampshire conservatives and independents, and embracing the state motto, “Live Free Or Die,” as a guiding principle.
Michael Avenatti, self-styled fighter, finds that karma has a hell of a counterpunch.
One anti 2nd Amendment group went to incredibly great lengths to scare people about firearm ownership.
He's leaving out some details.