There's good news for the Kentucky senator, though: More Republicans and independents say they'd consider supporting him than any other potential GOP candidate.
Democrats eat their own, we analyze the Senate’s health care bill, and we explore the mailbag!
Look out for this guy. ;
Record 93,626,000 Americans Not In Labor Force, Lowest Level Of Participation Since 1977 - Breitbart
The BLS defines people outside the labor force as those ages 16 and older who are neither employed nor have “made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week.” The labor force participation rate also decreased 0.3 percent from last month to 62.6 percent.
A man who worked at many U.S. Representatives' offices, including Rep. Andre Carson's (D-Indianapolis) was fired amid an investigation by Capitol Police.
Americans deserve to know the truth behind Robert Mueller’s probe.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was criticized on Sunday's State of the Union on CNN for being more interested in America's constitutional principles than his responsibilities in the country's governance in the midst of the threat of government shutdown through the funding of the Department of Homeland Security and President Obama's order of amnesty. Host Dana Bash used the interview segment to repeatedly castigate the congressman by reminding him that his critics feel he is more interested in principles over responsibility.
Donald Trump has been on the news for his 2016 Presidential campaign, of course I thought this would die down but it still hasn't. Donald Trump has made some...
A new third party Google Chrome extension that gives its users the chance to block out any mention of Donald Trump from their Internet browsing experience was the subject of totally favorable coverage on Noticiero Telemundo. The filter is clearly being promoted as a tool that can further assist in the Left’s efforts to demagogue Trump within the Spanish-speaking Latino community.
Is he rightly protecting America from illegal immigrants or wasting money on an overblown problem?
Positions on economic redistribution correlated with upper-body strength.
In outlining his vision for applying “principled realism” to the war in Afghanistan, President Trump Monday night insisted there will be no precipitous American withdrawal. Though he didn’t specify…
A U.S. appeals court has ruled that President Barack Obama's healthcare law violates the rights of religiously affiliated employers by forcing them to help provide contraceptive coverage even though they do not have to pay for it.
The United States has dropped 29 spots in the annual Reporters Without Borders press freedom ranking since 2009, when President Barack Obama took office.
Exciting things are happening in Nebraska, and I want to be the first to tell you about it.
Nothing to See Here, Nothing at All - Silly denials of Islamic terror have a silver lining
At the Golden Globes Sunday night, and the Oscars next month, expect lots of gold-plated bitching about Donald Trump. Honorees will mourn the “dark times in America” in their $20,000 frocks. Or the…
Director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service asserts his department is moving to investigate the "tragic killing" of Cecil the Lion.
Unhinged MSNBC Women Activist Hosts
Submitted 6 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • joy reid msnbc nicole wallace sexual harassment trump
MSNBC's mentally unstable activist women hosts quickly spun the whole Porter incident into an attack on anyone who currently in the White House who pees standing up.
Each year a few ideas get proposed at the state Capitol that have people shaking their heads.This year: Mandatory church attendance.
Anti-racism posters in B.C.’s Gold Trail schools are upsetting some parents.
Mark Levin was on Hannity tonight and firmly agreed with Giuliani's statement that Obama doesn't love America, going even further to say Obama has contempt for this country. He elaborates in the vi...
The media only ask pro-lifers questions about abortion. It's far past time to ask radical pro-choice politicians some tough questions about their views.