“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not b...
The United States said on Friday it would add 33 Chinese firms and institutions to an economic blacklist for helping Beijing spy on its minority Uighur population or because of ties to weapons of mass destruction and China's military.
A new project born from the racial justice movement in America is underway. A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction is a project developed by many
MADRID (AP) — When the coronavirus pandemic was first declared, Spaniards were ordered to stay home for more than three months. For weeks, they were not allowed outside even for exercise .
Utah's Nebo School District seeks to "prepare students to succeed in school and life." Apparently, that preparation now involves eating bugs and developing a dislike of beef.Fox News Digital reported that a middle school in the district recently provided sixth-grade students with bugs to eat as part...
Do you care about the race of your doctor, or the gender of the person who built the bridge you drive across? The latest trend across STEM fields claims you ...
Within two weeks of getting the vaccine, some developed so-called neutralizing antibodies, which can block SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
President Biden has challenged those who oppose the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion bill disingenuously dubbed “COVID relief,” or the more deceitful “American Rescue Plan.”
Stock picking by members of Congress should be illegal because they have an unfair edge over the rest of us.
It's an evil move, but it’s also stupid. With his attacks on DeSantis and refusal to stop praising vaccines, Trump was already destroying his chances for 2024.
A Republican Kentucky state lawmaker told reporters on Wednesday that he smoked marijuana instead of taking the prescription opiate, OxyContin, when he was battling cancer several years ago.
Barstool Sports' Dave Portnoy tell's Dr. Fauci to "pick a side," on coronavirus lockdowns. #FoxNews #Tucker Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Wat...
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The anti-Great Reset, pro-farmer BBB appears to have won even more seats in the Dutch senate than thought and is set to be the largest party.
How the progressives are eating their own and pushing their base to the right.
Democratic Governors Use Pandemic to Push a Scamdemic Liberal Governors Destroying Their State’s Economic System. Fauci Does an About Face. NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo admits that all the COVID-19 projections 'were all wrong.’ New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) says that “He won't make COVID-19 predictions anymore because all previous predictions turned out to be wrong.” Did the Scamdemic victimized us much
The Washington State Supreme Court struck down the state’s felony drug possession law on Thursday. The ruling impacts every police agency and jail across Washington, with many departments immediately ordering their officers to stop making arrests for simple drug possession.
As if the wheels had not already fallen off the abortion-on-demand bus, things managed to get even worse the last few days for those voices demanding a right to legal feticide.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has upheld the state’s abortion ban that saves babies from abortions. Instead of striking down the measure, the state’s highest court clarified that abortions should be allow in extremely rare cases to save the life of the mother — something the pro-life movement has always supported. Before Roe was overturned, Oklahoma […]
CNN is just losing its mind at this point. In a recent segment, CNN brought on a Muslim woman to talk about how she doesn't "feel safe" wearing a hijab in public anymore because President-Elect Trump. So to show "solidarity," CNN's Alisyn Camerota says American women should all wear the hijab to...
For those wondering about how far to the left he truly is, former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke, who is being feted by the media and treated as a possible front-runner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, is questioning whether the United States Constitution is still relevant.
After two months of gathering almost exclusively online, America’s houses of worship are throwing their doors open again. But questions over how to do so safely—and whether restrictions on them are constitutional—have turned churches, synagogues and mosques into battlegrounds.
Joe Biden is attempting to sniff out federal bureaucrats loyal to his predecessor to purge the federal government of Trump supporters.