Democrat Joe Biden would not share that Antifa is a terrorist organization but the URL Antifa.com redirects to Joe Biden’s campaign donation page? Last night during the first Presidential debate Biden stated that Antifa was an idea: Antifa is terrorizing cities all over the country. Yet Joe Biden acts like they don’t even exist. pic.twitter.com/gpig1Ry6jc…
The Chinese Foreign Ministry claims the U.S. has “poisoned the world” by allowing its citizens to travel with coronavirus infections.
No president has ever undermined the legitimacy of the Supreme Court the way that Biden did on Friday -- in a climate of threat and danger.
Saturday night, the Democratic Presidential candidates joined up again to debate the best way to ruin America.  To their credit, all of the candidates seem quite capable of accomplishing this task. But listening to them drone on, it’s clear they have only one tactic up their sleeve: tell people that everything should be free. If something is already free, it should give better benefits.  If | Read More
AMAZING! President Trump delivered a flawless State of the Union Address on Tuesday night in Washington DC. The moment of the night was when the president honored crippled North Korean dissident Ji Seong-ho. Ji Seong-ho is a North Korean defector who currently lives in South Korea, where he works to raise awareness about the situation …
Singer Adil Miloudi says in Morocco, this is normal, anyone can do what he wants with his wife, hit her, kill her
The recommendation comes after months of rioting and looting in cities nationwide sparked by the death of George Floyd in May. 
The Justice Department says the Treasury Department must provide the House Ways and Means Committee former President Donald Trump’s tax returns, apparently ending a long legal showdown over the records.
Stephen K. Bannon offered Saturday to testify before the January 6 Committee after former President Trump waived executive privilege.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Wake-up call’ after Paris blitz

Weatherby Announces Move to Wyoming

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Based in California for more than 70 years, renowned firearm manufacturer Weatherby announced it would be moving to Wyoming by the end of 2019.
Scott and his team are at it again, and this time they're in California, to help clean up the filthy homeless camps in Los Angeles.
WASHINGTON DC—President Donald Trump has given a eulogy for the KKK Cyclops and recruiter Senator Robert C. Byrd just like his Democratic opponent Joe Biden did in hopes that mainstream media outlets would stop calling him racist. Trump will also eulogize segregationist Strom Thurmond, praise seg
Comedian Bill Maher slammed “cancel culture” on his HBO program Friday night and said that the practice belongs in “Stalin’s Russia.”
The PET bottle manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the PET bottle industry.
Barack Obama is seen as one of America's most racially polarizing presidents, numerous polls show. So will tensions ease once his term ends?
Leonard J. DeLorenzo, director of Notre Dame Vision, looks at Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed through the lens of the Genesis creation story.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi is reportedly starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It's not clear why but at least it will be fun for all involved, which is good because the news cycle has been a little slow over the summer. We all need a good public spectacle once in a while.But Trump is a good sport and wanted to warn the Democra …
MSNBC host Joy Reid suggested Friday on Twitter that Donald Trump may be faking his COVID-19 diagnosis to get out of future presidential debates following Tuesday's chaotic face off with Biden.
Fox News host Maria Bartiromo and Sen. John Barrasso agreed on "Sunday Morning Futures" that Democrats will try to cheat in the 2022 midterm elections and take advantage of Covid-19 to do so. MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS: It’s all quite convenient with a year to go before the midterm elections. It doesn’t appear the Democrats can win on policy, so what are we going to do? Have a lockdown in the summer of 2022 so that we ensure mail-in ballots are flowing from empty parking lots and dead people? SEN. JOHN BARRASSO: You’re right on line on that, Maria, which is why I see what the Democrats are trying to do now. They have a two-pronged approach. The one is the very liberal policies that are coming forward on amnesty and on the Civilian Climate Core. The things that are expensive, that we can’t afford, that are bad for the country, bad policy. And then there’s this second track, which is to undermine elections and the integrity of elections in this country, making it easier for Democrats to cheat. That’s their number one priority bill, S.1, which said you don't have to have voter ID anymore and have ballot harvesting where paid operatives go door to door to pick up ballots.
President Joe Biden faces an uphill climb as he heads to the Middle East this week to try and convince uneasy officials in Israel and Saudi Arabia to re-adopt the Iran Nuclear Deal.
the President of the European Parliament (EP) said that Europe cannot afford to continue ignoring the fate of persecuted Christians.


Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

The coming mania for inclusion will erode standards of merit and excellence.
Posters bearing that message have appeared in a town in Massachusetts. No one knows how to react.