Actress Susan Sarandon has drawn criticism for a Tuesday night tweet comparing the funerals of two fallen New York City police officers to a display of fascism.
A man attending Keene State College has been charged for calling the office of a United States House of Representatives member and threatening..
During the fall, media suggested that Obama was having the FBI investigate Trump. Now they’ve changed their story.
After initially ignoring the controversy surrounding Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam suggesting it would be both legal and acceptable under a proposed new abortion law if a baby were delivered and then allowed to die outside the mother's body, CNN finally ran a few briefs on Thursday morning, and MSNBC ran one. But the reports provided cover for Northam, with CNN host Dave Briggs in particular suggesting conservatives might have misunderstood him even though the Democratic governor clearly stated that not resuscitating a newborn baby would be an allowed option.
UCLA Professor Robin Kelley suggested this week that black Americans have no choice but to riot in the aftermath of George Floyd's death. As Kelley explained in a UCLA interview, “My wife asked me this question last night, ‘Do you think this is right?’ I said, ‘What other choice do people have?’”
Over the last year, Fauci has done very well for himself. He has become the world’s most famous doctor. And he is also a political hack.
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled  “ PVC Pipes Manufacturing Plant Project Report : Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities,...
A man pretended to sexually assault the Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street.
President Donald Trump on Friday lobbed barbs at protesters who kneel during the national anthem, after NFL quarterback Drew Brees apologized for remarks he made about the practice.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) appears to be covering up state data on coronavirus deaths in nursing homes.
Small firms are facing 'severe pressure from rising rates, persistent inflation and slowing growth,' UBS warned in its report.
Rachel Maddow has one of the most embarrassing nights in media history, can we believe anybody anymore, and 4Chan pulls off one of the great trolls in American history.
On Sunday, The Washington Post cut into America's happy time during the Super Bowl to run a self-serving ad. Narrated by Hollywood movie star Tom Hanks, the ad dealt with the importance of journalism. And Donald Trump Jr. had the perfect response.
How far have we come?
House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) responded to FOX News host Neil Cavuto's question of President Joe Biden's mental acuity after he was unable to recall the name of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. In an interview on Tuesday, Clyburn said this is "a stuttering issue" and "it doesn't affect his brain at all." CAVUTO: Congressman, I have to tell you, you haven’t avoided the media. You haven’t avoided any networks. You always talk to us throughout this whole process. I know you're not the president of the United States, but a lot of people are beginning to wonder, like the other day when he forgot his defense secretary’s name. Is there something we should be worried about or much ado about nothing? REP. CLYBURN: This is much ado about nothing. I think you know as well as I do, I talked with the president about this. He has what we call stuttering. It’s always been a problem with this president. He’s been very open with that. It doesn’t affect his brain at all. But it sometimes affects his speech. So that’s an issue that all of us know is there. I don’t know why we keep trying to make something out of it.
Whether it's Biden’s push for vaccine mandates or his massive spending programmes, we have never seen a President like it.To discuss the past, present and fu...
Elon Musk's Twitter is now disabling comments, likes, and retweets for tweets containing links to Substack, a popular writing and newsletter platform. Self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist" Musk may be censoring Substack to launch a competing product from Twitter. 
According to a CBS News poll of President Trump’s State of the Union address, 76% of Americans liked his speech and 72% agreed with him on the immigration portion of his speech. While there were moments the President’s speech fell flat, e.g. the partisan investigations line, and there were some awkward transitions like saying all …
Some of the most colorful descriptions of the violence facing police officers at Lafayette Square were clumsily spliced out of the middle of Barr's answers to questions.
With the end of the official mask mandate in Texas, each business owner must make their own rules. It’s a preview of what’s to come across the country in the months ahead.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is attempting to reframe the abortion debate by labeling abortion restrictions as “forced pregnancy.” 
The rising utilization of maize processing to produce starch is primarily driving the maize processing market across the globe. Additionally, the escalating demand for maize processing to manufacture quality protein maize feed for poultry owing to its high biological value, minimized cost, easy transportation, presence of natural lysine, etc., is further propelling the market growth.
RUSH: I'm so glad I did this, because I'm here to tell you, nothing Russia did created this arrogance. Nothing Russia did created this willful blindness the Democrats and the media had about Trump's prospects. Russia did not hack all of these Democrat polls to mislead Democrats. They believed their own fake polls. They believed their own data. The Russians didn't create it. The Russians didn't create the polls. Nate Silver's not a Russian plant.